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If you see any mistakes, don't be afraid to point them out.

"I can't believe this."

He paces, running his hand through his dark hair as I just stand and watch. He changed so much. He was no longer my baby brother I always protected, he was a man now. I can't force him to be on my side, but if he's not...

"You should," I say, crossing my arms. "It's not every day your supposed-dead-sister comes to visit you."

He stops pacing and turns to look at me again, leaning back on the large desk with all the monitors. 

"You're the one who did this then?" he asks, motioning to the black monitor screens. 


He sighs and stuffs his hands in his pockets, letting the silence sit in between us once again. It was almost suffocating, I hated it. I was so used to us being able to talk freely about anything. Now there are just too many secrets.

"When father called me," he starts, "I didn't know what to expect."

The way he didn't look at me and the way his eyebrows furrowed together made it clear to me what he was about to tell me, and I don't think I'm ready to hear any of it.

"You hadn't come back from your mission, and my birthday was growing near."

He looks up and my heart breaks. His eyes are red and ready to burst with tears.

"You had promised to be back by then," he continues, his voice monotone, "but you didn't."

He pushes himself off of the desk and slowly starts walking towards me.

"I walk into fathers office, and what does he say?" 

His face is inches from mine, but I don't back down. I deserve this.

"He says you're dead! Fucking dead!" he yells, pushing me harshly against the door, his upper arm pressing against my neck, choking me.

"I cried so much! I missed you and hated you all at the same time!" 

He continues to yell, putting more pressure on my neck. The anger in his eyes was caused by my stupidity. The fact that I wasn't strong enough to come back home and be with him. I deserved to be hated by him. 

The pressure on my neck is slowly removed as Sehun calms down. His breathing is heavy and his forehead is dotted with sweat. I raise my hand and wipe his hair back, just the way I used to when we were younger. 

"But you're still my sister," he mumbles, and I see those tears he's held in finally escape. "I still love and admire you."

I sigh and pull him into a hug and he accepts it.

It's silent, but it is no longer suffocating. 

"Come with me Sehun," I whisper.

His grip on me loosens and he steps back, tears still falling from his eyes.

"I'm sorry (y/n)," he says, a sad smile spreading across his face.

"I can't make the same mistakes you did."


Love you ♡

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