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If you see any mistakes, don't be afraid to point them out.

"How do you know he'll cooperate?" 

"Just trust me alright? If I didn't think he'd cooperate I wouldn't even mention it."

"Fine, we'll be watching anyway. Just be careful."

Telling Namjoon about Sehun was a challenge, more so than when I finally opened up about my father. It was hard back then when I thought I was paying him back for protecting me, but that was all a lie. He didn't care about me, even less for Sehun. He was too much of a wimp in the eyes of my father and I was more daring, stronger. 

That's why I ended up like this. I was forced to believe my father cared about me because he loved me, but he only cared because of my abilities. I was the spitting image of my father; a heartless murderer whose only goal is to be on top. 

But I suppose he was also afraid. Afraid I'd take him out and control everything just like he was. So he began to act more fatherly. Instead of acting like a trainer, he began to show me the good side of him. A kindhearted man who loved his family.

A liar.

I just hope Sehun is still the same as before. Too scared to speak his mind. That's why he's still there. That's why he hasn't left.

I walk down the same familiar halls, knowing Jungkook has taken care of the security cameras. Even if the cameras won't see me, I have to be cautious. People still roam around late at night, and if I'm not careful, someone might not be going back home.

"What do you mean they're out?"

I turn my head in the direction of the voice, the quick movement causing my head to pound, but I ignore it.

"Find someone who can fix it, now!"

Quick and loud footsteps start making their way in my direction. I swiftly enter a supply closet, letting out a relieved sigh. 

When the footsteps die down, I open the door slowly and look down the hallway, making sure no one was around. Seeing that the coast is clear, I head to where I heard the voice and sure enough, it had been from the security room.

There, I see a tall figure leaning forward on a desk, staring at the many monitors. Most were just black screens. I frown slightly, coming to terms with what I was about to do. 

I hope you understand.

I walk to the room quickly, a sudden fear taking over me. 

"Who are you?" 

I lock the door behind me when I enter, scared to face him. 

"Answer me!" He roars, one of his hands grabbing my shoulder and roughly turning me around to look at him.

His angry face relaxed when his dark eyes scan my face, taking in my image. 

"It's been a while, hasn't it?"

The sound of my voice breaks him from his trance. He blinks and backs away, confusion apparent in his facial expression. 


"I don't have much time, Sehun," I start, keeping my composure.

"I just need your help."

Love you ♡

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