Meeting and leaving

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Kenzie's POV
Hi I'm Mackenzie Ziegler. I am 19, I live with my best friend Carson lueders. I have a boyfriend, Brandon Rowling. I have a younger sister Maddie, she's 16. ( Ik Maddie is older in real life) we live in LA and Carson always hangs out with his famous friends but he never lets be meet them because I'll fan girl over them too much.
Right now I'm sitting in my room filming a livestream and answering questions.
What do you fan girl over?

"I fan girl over Johnny Orlando, he is literally my all time celebrity crush. I fan girl over Hayden summerall, mark Thomson, Lauren Orlando, Annie Leblanc, Brynn rumfallo, and... that's it."

Doesn't Carson know all of those people?

"Umm... yes but Carson doesn't let me meet a lot of his friends..."

Right when I ended the livestream Carson came downstairs and into my room (My room is in the basement).
C; hey Kenz, my friends want to meet you.
K; ok? What friends?
C; famous friends, now let's go.
K; who?
He rolled his eyes.
C; Brynn rumfallo, and Lauren Orlando. And Annie's upstairs too.
I swear I screamed so loud Australia could hear me. I jumped up on my bed.
C; yes but you have to act cool.
K; I can be cool.

We walked upstairs and they introduced themselves, well except Annie I already know her, she doesn't like me very much.
"Hi I'm Lauren"
"I'm brynn"
A; hi
K; hi I'm Mackenzie but you can call me Kenzie....
There was an awkward silence..
C; Kenzie!
K; what?
C; I said to act cool not awkward.
K; I'm trying.
After a few minutes of talking it was 8:30.
K; well I have to go change.
C; why?
K; Brandon is coming over.
C; Kenzie I told you I don't like Brandon.
K; well then you shouldn't have introduced me to him.
L; wait who's Brandon?
K; my boyfriend
B&L; oooooooOoooo
We all laughed and I ran downstairs to change.

~two weeks later~

Today is me and Brandon's 1 year anniversary. Right now I'm heading out to meet him at his apartment.
K; bye Carson!
C; wait Kenz, I need you to come meet my friends.
K; I can't. I have to go. I'll meet them later.
C; ok bye
K; bye.

I was walking to Brandon's place, when I saw him making out with another girl!
B; omg Kenzie!
I start to run home, but he chased after me. When we got to my house I burst through the door to see Hayden summerall, mark Thomson, and Johnny Orlando sitting on my couch. I didn't even care at this point.
B; Kenzie. I'm sorry.
K; how could you Brandon?!?
We were standing right in front of the couch and everyone was watching.
B; Kenzie it's not that big of a deal.
K; not that big of a deal?!? You fking cheated on me!!
B; Kenz-
K; don't Kenz me! How would you feel if I made out with one of these guys right now? How would you feel?!
B; I wouldn't care!
K; oh yeah we'll see about that.
I looked at the boys on the couch and pointed at Johnny Orlando.
K; have a girlfriend?
J; uhh.. no..
K; ok cool.
I pull him off the couch and wrap his hands around my waist and mine around his neck. I whispered in his ear.
K; just go with it.
He looked really confused. I turned back to Brandon.
B; Kenzie don't do this.
I ignored what he said.
K; let's just call this game... how long will it take for Brandon to get mad?
I looked into Johnny's emerald green eyes and down at his lips. I smashed my lips on his and he kissed back within seconds. I could hear everyone gasping. After almost a minute Brandon pulled us apart and Johnny fell back onto the couch. Brandon was about to punch Johnny but I grabbed his fist. I grabbed his other arm before saying
K; oh sweetie you never knew how to fight.
I kneed him in the nuts and he fell to the floor.
K; now get the fk out of my house before I kick you again. We're done.
B; come on Kenz you aren't going to do this on our anniversary are you?
K; let's say this.. on this date you walked into my life and now your walking out of it... now go!
He quickly jumped up and stormed out the house making sure he slammed the door. I started to cry and I threw my shoes at the closed door. Carson started hugging me out I pulled away.
K; I'm fine.
I walk downstairs picking up my shoes on the way.

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