I wanted to tell him

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Kenzie's POV
K; listen Brandon this is a one time thing ok? I just need to forget and I know you can do that.
B; alright but what do I get in return?
K; what do you want?
B; I want you to make a livestream and tell everyone that I broke up with you to protect you and that you still love me.
K; deal.
We shake hands.
B; shall we?
We walk upstairs and I start to take my clothes off.

Carson's pov
C; she went to Brandon!
J; what why?
C; because he helps her forget things. But she isn't forgetting she's getting her mind off it.
J; what does that mean?
C; she's going to sleep with him and he'll make her do something that could hurt her.
We head out to the car and drive to Brandon's. We have the girls wait in the car and we head upstairs. When we get upstairs we hear moans. We're too late.
Kenzie's POV
Brandon is on top of me when Suddenly a bunch of boys charged in the room - Carson, Hayden, mark, and Johnny -
B; what the hell!
He got off of me and and covered us with a blanket.
K; what the hell are you guys doing here?!
C; we're here to take you home. Now let's go.
He threw me my clothes and I put them on. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me out. When we got to my car I hit Carson repeatedly on the shoulder.
C; hey! Stop!
He grabbed hands.
C; what was that for?!
K; for everything!
I started to cry.
K; this is all your fault! If you hadn't had left me on such short notice none of this would have happened!
More and more tears streamed down my face as I blinked. I tried to get out of his grip while yelling at him but he held on tight.
C; what would have happened?
K; I wouldn't have had to come here! I wouldn't care if Johnny had kissed that girl! I wouldn't have let him lead me own if you had been here!!
I started to sob.
K; you would've been here to protect me! From him and from Brandon!
I could see Johnny with tears on his face behind Carson but I didn't care. Carson stood there and started at me.
Annie came up behind me and pulled me into a hug. I cried on her shoulder and she walked me to my car. She drove me home and I locked myself in my room. There was a knock on my door.
K; go away!!!
L; it's Lauren Brynn and Annie!
I opened the door and they walked in. I sat back down on my bed and wrapped myself in a blanket.
K; what do you want?
L; we just want to talk to you.
K; about?
B; everything...
K; ok... I'll just tell you the moral of the story..
I turned to Lauren.
K; I hate your brother.
L; it's ok I do too. He's such a jerk.
I nodded. We all giggle and they convince me to go upstairs. When we walked upstairs I saw the guys sitting on the couch. Carson saw me and immediately stood up.
C; Kenzie I'm really-
I stopped him by wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him. He hugged me back.
K; I'm so sorry for yelling at you earlier. I know none of this was your fault.
I pulled away from the hug and he gave me a warm smile. I smiled back and sat on the couch. Johnny sat next to me.
J; Kenzie can I please talk to you for a second?
I nod and we walk into the kitchen.
K; what do you want?
J; Kenzie I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!
K; why should I?
J; because I-I I'm sorry and I know it was wrong of me to lead you on and kiss that girl and I don't expect what ever was happening between us to happen again... I just can't loose you. I need you in my life Kenz. Please.
I just stood there and kind of stared at him. I looked into his beautiful green eyes wanting to tell him. Wanting to tell him I love him. But all I do is nod my head.

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