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Kenzie's POV
After target we went back to the house. When I walked in the door I was pinned against the wall by Johnny.
K; what the heck! Let go of me!
J; not until you tell me what happened on the phone.
K; why do you care so much?!
J; because I'm your friend! Now tell me!
K; fine!
I stared into his emerald green eyes before saying,
K; my mom was in a car accident...
I was suddenly off the wall and pulled into a hug.
J; I'm so sorry.
K; no it's fine. She's ok.
He pulled away from the hug and gave a warm smile.
K; omg stop with the symphony looks!
We walk into the living room hand in hand to see everyone staring at us.
K; what?
Everyone; nothing...
I rolled my eyes and we sat down on the couch.
K; it's 11:30 what do you guys wanna do?
B; let's go skinny dipping!
Everyone; sure!
We all started to run outside throwing our clothes off at the same time. By the time we got into the pool we were all completely naked. (Pretend it's not weird that Lauren and Johnny are skinny dipping together)  right when we jumped in the pool Johnny started splashing me. I splashed back which caused everyone to start splashing each other. At 11:59 we started counting down till midnight. We were all spread out around the pool. Me and Johnny under the diving board, Lauren and Hayden on the stairs and Brynn and mark in the corner. When the clock hit midnight layden and bark started to kiss. All of the sudden Johnny wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. He smashed his lips on mine and before I knew it I was making out with him... until...
B; ahem.
We pulled away and looked at our friends staring at us. I unwrapped my hands from his neck and he took his hands off my waist. We swam back over to them and they handed us towels. I covered my whole body and Johnny covered his lower body. Them abs though!! I mean I couldn't see them under the water...
J; hello? Kenzie?
His words snapped me out of my thoughts.
K; what?
J; you were staring..
K; sorry I was just thinking...
J; about what?
K; nothing...
I ran inside and downstairs to my room. When I grabbed some clothes to put on when there was a knock on my door. I decided to let them in because everyone here has already seen me naked.
K; come in!
A shirtless Johnny walked in my room. (He was wearing pants now) he laid down on my bed. Ugh he's so hot.
J; nice room.
K; thanks.
I felt my face gear up and I started putting my clothes on.
J; so what were you thinking about?
K; nothing..
J; well you were obviously thinking about something
He sat up and I hadn't put my shirt in yet.
J; wow.
K; oh shut up.
J; tell me what you were thinking about then.
K; no.
When I finished putting my shirt on I was pinned against the wall.
J; tell me!
K; no!
He got closer to me.
J; tell meeee!!
I bit my lip. Deciding on whether or not I should tell him. He stepped closer to me so we were breathing the same air. I could hear him breathing. I leaned closer to him and whispered.
K; you have nice abs...
All of the sudden he smashed his lips on mine. He let go of my wrists and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his lips slowly found my neck. We fell back on my bed and he rolled on top of me...

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