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Kenzie's POV
I woke up with a wet pillow from crying yesterday. Then I remembered it was my birthday. I stood up and walked to my bathroom. I was standing in the mirror just starring at myself when someone came in behind me.
J; good morning
He wrapped his arms around my waist but I immediately unwrapped them and just ignored him. I walked into my room and laid down on my bed. My uncomfortable bed. I wish I had a water bed I have been begging Carson to let me get one but he kept saying no. Ugh. I sat up and saw Johnny. I put a smile on and greet him.
K; good morning. Can I help you?
J; umm... no. Just wanted to wish you happy birthday.
K; oh... well thanks.
I stand up off my bed and walk out of my room past him. When I go upstairs I'm greeted by everyone screaming.
I don't even flinch.
K; thanks guys.
I smile and hug them.
K; you guys are the best!
C; I know you didn't want to do anything for your birthday but we already bought your birthday cake and your presents.
K; awww you guys are so sweet.
I sat down on the couch and we all talked and laughed until like noon.
L; ok... so...
k; what did you do now? You've done enough.
L; I know I know... but Carson told us that you love bowling...
k; he did?
I don't like bowling. I looked at Carson and he smirked.
L; yes so go get ready we're leaving in 2 hours!
I stand up and run downstairs to get ready. After I take a shower I do my hair and makeup, then I get dressed.
My outfit + hair + makeup;

My outfit + hair + makeup;

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I walk upstairs to see everyone waiting for me

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I walk upstairs to see everyone waiting for me.
K; sorry I took so long....
L; it's ok. Shall we?
K; yup... wait I left something downstairs I'll be right back.
I ran downstairs and put my pills and phone charger in my backpack. I ran back upstairs and got into Carson's car.
L; what did you need?
K; my charger.
L; oh ok.
When we finally got to the bowling place I saw my mom and Maddie standing there in front of me. I ran up to them and hugged them.
K; I missed you guys so much!
M&M; we missed you too!
When we pulled away Maddie immediately ran up to Johnny and hugged him.
Ma; omg! I can't believe I'm actually hugged Johnny Orlando! And I can't believe I'm going to be bowling with Lauren Brynn Annie mark and Hayden!!!
C; ahem.
She pulled away from Johnny and hugged Carson.
Me; hey Carson... sorry to say it but your old news.
C; I missed you too.
We all laughed. We got our shoes and found our lanes. I sat down to put my shoes on when Maddie sat next to me.
Ma; so which one of these boys did you make out with when you broke up with Brandon?
K; what?
Ma; I'm just kidding! I know it was Johnny.
My cheeks turned a light shade of pink.
Ma; so are you guys dating?
K; no he has a girlfriend.
J; no he doesn't.
I look up to see Johnny staring at us. He must have heard the conversation.
K; what about Nadia?
J; she's... not my girlfriend...
k; mhmm ok. Then why is she here?
Behind him was Nadia running up to him and hugging him. I rolled my eyes and finished putting on my shoes. I look up again and see Johnny and her making out. I cover my mouth trying not to gag. Everyone else does the same.
L; get a room!
We all laugh and they pull away.
K; ok can I go first?
They all nod and I go my turn. I got a strike.
H; wow. I didn't know you were good.
C; I told you she liked bowling.
K; I'm only good because you and Annie drag me out here every year.
We both laugh and I sit down again next to Annie. After bowling the score was;
Yes Nadia played, no my mom didn't play she's still hurt. Johnny was sad.
L; you sad you lost John?
She smirked.
J; no I'm sad Kenzie won.
K; it's Mackenzie and rude!
I only let my friends call me Kenz or Kenzie.
J; ok?
When we get home I sit down on the couch and scroll through Instagram. Maddie and mom had to go.
I cover my ears.
K; did you get me hearing aids?
We both laughed.
C; ok I'll go first.
He dragged in a huge box. I ripped it open and screamed.
K; omg thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
He got me a water bed!
C; your welcome.
I hug him tight and open my next present. After opening most of them these were the presents;
Carson ~ water bed
Lauren ~ makeup case
Brynn ~ $100 worth of clothes
Annie ~ a karaoke Machine
Hayden ~ camera
Mark ~ a coupon for hugs

K; you guys are the best.
I hug all of them.
N; wait you didn't open mine or Johnny's!
K; oh you didn't have to get me something we only met yesterday.
N; oh I insist.
I took the small box and opened it. It was a beautiful heart diamond necklace.
K; omg thank you it's gorgeous!
I pull her into a hug.
K; I can tell we're going to be good friends.
Which was true. Even tho she's dating Johnny. I pulled away from the hug and sat back down.
K; ok is that all? Cake now?
They laughed.
L; what about Johnny's gift?
J; oh that's not important.
K; oh come on please?
I gave him puppy eyes and he handed me a small box and walked away.
I opened it and I felt like I was going to cry of laughter. It was a little note that said best present ever.
L; what was it?
I handed it to her and she started laughing. After we calmed down I had to wipe tears from my eyes. Johnny walked back into the room.
J; you like my gift?
K; yeah thanks.
He was about to sit down on the couch.
K; what are you doing?
J; what do you mean.
K; hug.
He walked over to me and hugged me.
J; are you happy now Mackenzie?
K; it's Kenzie.
I love to mess with him.
J; omg youre so confusing!
I laugh and Carson comes out with the cake. This was the best birthday ever.

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