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Kenzie's POV
I woke up on the couch with someone stroking my hair. I turned to see Johnny with a bunch of bruises. I immediately sat up.
K; omg Johnny are you ok?!?
My head hurt like crazy. My arm and my gut filled with pain.
J; yes I'm fine. Are you ok?
K; yes... what happened?
I held my head and lifted my shirt to see a huge bruise.
J; it's not important.. as long as he doesn't comeback.
K; who?
J; Brandon...
Everything came flashing back to me. Brandon pulling me up from my chair, him punching me, Johnny and him fighting, Brandon pushing me against the wall, hitting my head, blacking out... everything.
I laid my head back down on the couch and he started to play with my hair again.
K; thank you...
I whispered.
J; for what?
K; for helping me...
J; that's what I do.
I sat up again and hugged him, and he hugged back and kissed my forehead. Then Lauren walked in...
L; oh? Am I interrupting a jenzie moment?
K&J; no!
We pulled away from the hug and Lauren sat on the couch next to me.
L; do Kenzie....Me and Brynn were wondering
Since the boys are going out tonight...
J; we are?
Just then mark walked in the room.
M; yo Johnny! Club tonight?
J; sure dude.
He walked out of the room.
J; well that answers my question.
We all laugh.
K; sure Lauren why not?
L; yay! So there's this party down the street. So we gonna dress sexy! We gonna meet some cute guys!
She was dancing around.
J; you know what... maybe I'll just stay with you guys.
K&L; No!
K; you're no fun!
L; yeah relax, we aren't gonna meet any guys, we all are taken.
K; we are?
L; yes. We're leaving in 3 hours.
Before I could argue she ran out of the room.
K; omg that girl!
Johnny laughed.
K; ok I'm going downstairs.
I started to stand up but Johnny grabbed my hand.
J; hey! Your forgetting something!
K; what?
He pulled me closer to him and slammed his lips on mine. I kissed back and pulled away. I ran downstairs and into my room. I watched 2 episodes of friends and started to get ready.
When I finished getting ready it was already time to go and I walked upstairs to see the girls already ready.

My dress

Lauren's dress

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Lauren's dress

Lauren's dress

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Brynns dress

Just then the guys walked in

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Just then the guys walked in.

H; wow where do you guys think your going dressed like that?
L; omg stop. We aren't going to hook up with a bunch of guys.
H; alright fine.
K; ok bye guys.
H&M&J; bye.
We all walked out of the house and drove to a house a few neighborhoods away. The house was already packed and the music already loud. There were drunk people spilled out on the yard. We walked up to the house and walked inside. Immediately about four guys came up to me and pulled me to the dance floor. Brynn and Lauren joined and we all started dancing. After awhile I got tired so I went to get a drink.
K; guys! I'm going to get a drink!
L; ok!
I walked over to get a drink and I saw Hayden and mark.
K; hey guys! What are you doing here?!
I had to yell over the music.
H; just thought we would check up on you guys.
K; oh ok!
I poured my drink and went back to dancing. Eventually I got drunk and Lauren and Brynn took me outside for air. I look out on the lawn and see someone I knew. He was making out with some girl. I walked a little closer and saw who it was.
K; Johnny?
The didn't even stop to look at me. I'm so done with this boy! He kisses me and leads me on just to make out with some girl? I'm done! I took a picture of them and went back inside to the party. I walk back on the dance floor and some guy walks up behind me and put his hands on my hips. He pulls me closer to his body and I start to move my hips against him. We start dancing against each other and Lauren and Brynn walk over.
B; Kenz we're going home!
K; ok cool! I'll stay here!
L; how are you getting home?!
K; I'll Uber!
B&L; ok bye!
K; bye!
I went back to dancing with the stranger. I know it's not the smartest idea but I need to get Johnny off my mind. His hands find up to my chest. He starts to message them, I gave out slight quite moans and wrapped my hand back around his neck. After a couple minutes he stopped and slid his hands down under my dress. Before he slid them up anymore I stopped him. I turned around and looked at him.
K; how about we take this back to my place?
He nodded and we head outside. Johnny is no longer there which means he's either in the party or at home. We get in an Uber and head home.

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