What happened

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Kenzie's POV
I woke up Saturday morning with a huge headache. I sat up and realized I was naked and not alone. I look to the right of me and see Johnny. I whisper yell.
K; shit! What the hell happened?!


Me and Johnny were watching TV when Lauren came in.
L; Kenzie come on get dressed!
K; for what?
L; we're going to the mall!
K; why?
Brynn and Annie ran in.
K; I'm assuming that's why?
L; yes now let's go!
K; alright alright.
I start to get up when Johnny gross my arm and pulls me to face him. He pulled me closer and I fell on top of him.
K; ow!
L; alright can you two love birds hurry up?
Annie and Brynn laughed. Johnny and I just glared at them. I look back at him and start to stand up when he pulls me down again and kisses me. I can't help but blush.
K; alright bye.
I stand up and the girls follow me downstairs.
L; so when's the wedding?
K; what wedding?
A; your and Johnny's wedding.
B; are we bridesmaids?
K; no because there is no wedding and I'm only 18!
L; fine fine.
I rolled my eyes and got dressed into this.

We walked upstairs and I grabbed my phone and wallet off the counter

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We walked upstairs and I grabbed my phone and wallet off the counter.
K; shall we?
L; aren't you going to say bye to your boyfriend over there?
She pointed behind me. I turn around to see Johnny checking me out.
K; can we go please?
A; fine.
They all frowned and I rolled my eyes.
When we got to the mall we found outfits for the party.


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~flash forward~

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~flash forward~

K; Lauren come on!
L; alright I'm coming!
Me and Lauren walked into the living room to see Carson and Mark checking out Annie and Brynn. Johnny and Hayden just looked sad.
When they saw us the immediately jumped up.
H; wow..
J; you guys look great! Well Kenzie does... Lauren... who died?
L; ha ha. very funny. Not the sarcasm.
I laughed and turned back to Johnny.
K; so are you going to get changed? Or....
J; what do you mean I'm ready!
K; oh... ok.
J; your mean!
He pouts. I laugh and in seconds the house was filled with people. I was in the kitchen getting a drink when a drunk Johnny came in. 
J; heyyy Kenzieeeee!!!
K; hey Johnny... are you drunk?
J; maybe...
He started to fall but I caught him.
K; alright Johnny come on let's go to the guest room.
We walked down the hall to the guest room. When I opened the door we were met with a half naked Hayden and Lauren.
K; ok Johnny you can lay down in my room.
I close the door and take him downstairs.
K; alright Johnny you go lay down while I get some water.
All of the sudden I was pushed up against the wall.
K; Johnny get off of me!
J; that's not my name.
K; Johnny don't push me!
J; that isn't my name.
K; daddy get off of me.
J; beg me.
I didn't have any other choice.
K; please daddy. Please get off of me.
He smashed his lips on mine and I hit my head against the wall. I kissed back and he let go of my wrists. He pulled away and smirked.
K; oh shut up!
I pulled back into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck. He kissed backs and wrapped his arms around my waist.

~end of flashback~

K; Johnny wake up!
I start to shack him as I put on one off my shirts. His eyes fluttered open and when he realized what had happened he smirked.
K; wipe that smirk off your face and get dressed!
I start to throw his clothes at him. He put them on and pushed me against the wall again. He kissed me passionately and walk out with a huge smirk on his face.

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