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Kenzie's POV
The next morning I woke up with my clothes on so I thought happened last night was just a dream.... but I was wrong... Someone shifted next to me and I screamed so loud. I jumped out of my bed.
J; what? What happened?
K; holly shit Johnny! You scared the crap out of me!
He laughed until he just stopped and stared at my neck.
K; what?
J; what's that on your neck?
I looked in the mirror at my neck. I had a bunch of hickeys.
K; shit!
J; wait why am I here.
I flopped onto my bed.
And looked up at him. Then covered my face with my hands.
K; we fked up.
J; why what happened??
I sat up and looked at him.
K; your joking. You don't remember?
J; no...
K; good it's best that way. You should go.
He walked out of my room really confused. I closed the door and fell back on my bed and covered my face again. That the hell just happened? I decided to go get some breakfast so I went upstairs.
L; hey Kenz- omg it's true!
K; what's true?
L; you totally made out with my brother last night!
K; yeah I'm the pool...
L; yeah and after that!
K; no I didn't.
B; yes you did I see the hickeys on your neck!
J; that's what happened last night?
H; what happened last night?
They all walked into the room the same time they were talking.
L; Kenzie and Johnny made out!
M; wait what?
K; omg! I hate my life.
B; wait why didn't Johnny know?
I shrugged my shoulders. Johnny started walking closer to me. He pointed at my hickeys.
J; so those are hickeys?
K; maybe..
J; and I did that?
K; yes! Were you drunk or something?
L; drunk on you.
I rolled my eyes.
B; you guys are so cute.
K; omg! Stop!
I walked into the kitchen and started to poor my cereal. When I put it down i was pinned against the wall.
K; ow! Hey! What was that for?
I looked up to see a smirking Johnny.
K; you knew the whole time didn't you?
J; maybe..
K; ugh. You suck.
He moved closer to me.
J; no...
He bit his lip.
J; you suck.
He winked at me.
K; ew! You are so gross!
Just then Lauren walked in the kitchen.
L; omg jenzie!
Of course after she said that everyone else ran in. I was let off the wall and was tackled by Lauren.
L; we're going to be sister-in-laws!
K; what? No we aren't!
L; not yet.
K; omg!
She got off of me and pulled me up.
K; well anyway... Wednesday is the 4th of July and I want to have a party.
Everyone; yay!
K; ok I'll invite people.
I took out my phone and texted everyone in the  neighborhood.
L; ok so what do you guys want to do?
B; truth or dare?
Everyone; ok.
We all sat in a circle on the floor.
L; ok I have one. Kenzie truth or dare?
K; um.. dare...
L; ok. I dare you to tell us your celebrity crush.
I blushed and covered my mouth was my hand and mumbled.
K; Johnny...
B; I'm sorry what?
I rolled my eyes. I uncovered my mouth and said a little louder.
K; Johnny.
L; what?
K; Johnny! Happy?
J; very.
He smirked. I threw a pillow at him.
K; oh shut up.
Both Brynn and Lauren squealed. I rolled my eyes and heard mark and Hayden call us into the other room.
M; guys!
H; you're gonna wanna come see this!
We all walked into the other room and looked at the tv.
K; what is this?
They were watching an AwesomenessTV video called jenzie?
H; someone took a picture of you and Johnny in the cart together. Everyone thinks your dating.
L; oh. My. God. JENZIE!!
B; omg there's another one!
M; it's a picture of you and Johnny holding hands!
H; you guys held hands?!?!
L; yes when you boys made us go broke with all those snacks.
K; speaking of...
I walked out of the room and came back with a party sized bag of Funyuns. Johnny tried to take them from me I turned away so he couldn't get any.
J; hey!
K; mine!
J; what? I want some!
Lauren and Brynn started to record us on Snapchat.
K; you don't get any!
J; why?! Sharing is caring!
K; but I don't care!!
He then grabbed me around my waist and put me over his shoulder.
K; hey put me down!
J; are you going to share?
K; no!
J; fine then.
He started to carry me out of the room and outside. He stood on the edge of the pool.
J; last chance, are you going to share?
K; no.
J; ok if you say so.
He dropped me in the pool but I kept the bag outside the water.
He just stood there laughing.
K; fine.
I got onto one of the donut floaties and continued to eat my chips.
J; ugh you suck.
K; i mean if you want me too.
I winked at him. And we both laughed.

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