No promises

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Kenzie's POV
It's been almost a week and the only time I've left my room was for food and water. I don't want to go see everyone. It was almost noon so I sneak up to the kitchen to get lunch... but Lauren saw me.
L; hey Kenz!
K; oh... hi...
L; come here we want to ask you something!
K; umm... ok.
I walk over to the living room and saw everyone sitting there.
K; umm... what's up?
L; well Johnny has a little crush and doesn't think they will ever like him..
He has a crush?! That hurt.
K; ok?
L; sooo... your the only single girl here so we are asking you what's datable about him.
K; umm... ok?
They all stare at me. I lean my arms on the back of Lauren's chair and think.
K; well... you have nice hair, and you aren't ugly... umm... I guess your an ok kisser... your style isn't the best but if it's fine.. umm-
J; wait go back.
K; umm... your style is fine?
J; no before that.
K; that your an ok kisser?
Everyone gasped.
K; what?
B; well Johnny thinks he the best kisser in the whole world.
I laugh thinking that was a joke, but apparently it wasn't they all stared at me.
K; oh you're serious?
They nod and Johnny didn't deny it.
I just shrug.
K; I've kissed better.
I start to walk away but I get pinned against the wall.
K; umm... ow!
J; sorry.
Of course it was Johnny.
K; can you get off of me please?
J; why?
K; because I don't like being this close to you.
He smashed his lips on mine and I kissed back. We kissed for about 10 seconds before I pull away. I try to get out of his grip but it doesn't work... at all.
K; Johnny let go of me!
J; why?
K; do you want me to knee you?
J; you won't.
K; try me.
I smirk at him. He didn't move. I was about to knee him but he picked me up and draped me over his shoulder.
K; I hate you so much.
I muttered as he got closer to the pool.
K; Johnny don't friken drop me.
J; no promises.
K; stop! Johnny!
J; then say that I'm the best kisser in the world.
K; but that would be lying.
J; suit yourself.
He was about to drop me in the pool when the door bell rang. He put me down and leaned closer to me to whisper in my ear.
J; saved by the bell... but I'll get you later..
K; we'll see.
We walked back inside and he opened the door. I couldn't believe what I was seeing he played me again. Ugh I'm so stupid. It was that stupid girl he was making out with at the party. I wanted to cry so bad but all I did was roll my eyes. I went and sat on the couch so I didn't have to see or hear them. About 10 minuets later Johnny came back alone.
H; you finally do it dude?
J; yeah.
All the girls looked confused.
L; do what?
C; break up with that girl... umm.. I think it was.. jasmine?
Johnny nodded.
B; well that's good!
J; how is that good?
H; you can finally go for that girl you like!
J; I already told you she doesn't like me! No one likes me...
I got really annoyed. I mean how could anyone not like him?!?
K; omg! Stop saying that!
J; stop saying what?
I rolled my eyes.
K; that no one likes you!
J; but it's true...
I hit him on the arm.
J; ow!
K; I'm going to prove it.
I took a picture of him and put it on my Snapchat story saying "dis dude thinks no one likes him. Please help me prove him wrong."
Only about a few seconds later I got a bunch of people were saying that it wasn't true, and a few saying stuff like "you finally met him!"
I showed him my phone and he opened all of them.. then he saw the ones saying the other things...
j; hey what does this mean?
He showed me my phone and it said "omg you finally met! Are you guys dating? I ship it!"
I stole my phone away from him and deleted it.
K; nothing.. it means nothing...
He smirked at me.
K; what?
J; nothing...
I stood up and got some popcorn.
J; hey!
K; what?
J; that isn't healthy! Put it back!
I rolled my eyes.
K; ok mom.
I put it back and came out with nothing.
K; you happy? Now I'm hungry.
He ran up to me and picked me up around his waist. He ran outside and stood by the pool. He whispered in my ear..
J; I prefer if you call me daddy.
Before I could react he dropped me in the pool.
K; your so gross!!
L; what why? All he did was drop you in the pool.
K; yeah.. ok.. that's all he did.
He reached out my hand so Johnny could "help me out". He didn't get it.
K; help me out!
He took my hand mistakenly and I pulled him in the water.
J; hey!!
I stepped closer to him so we were only a few inches away from each other and whispered to him...
K; I'm sorry daddy... please don't punish me...
With that he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him, so our body's were touching. My breathing quickened..
J; no promises...

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