He doesnt!

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Previously in this book/story/fanfic/whatever it is....
I stepped closer to him so we were only a few inches away from each other and whispered to him...
K; I'm sorry daddy... please don't punish me...
With that he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him, so our body's were touching. My breathing quickened..
J; no promises...

Kenzie's POV
I'm sitting on the couch watching Zach and Cody just cause, at like 3 in the morning. It was that scary ghost one. Right at the scary part someone came in the room. I whisper yelled at them.
K; holy shit! Johnny you scared the frick out of me!
J; sorry...
k; why are you up so early?
J; I was about to ask you the same thing.
K; I couldn't sleep.... you?
J; same... can I watch with you?
I nod my head and he sat next to me. He wrapped his arm around me and I laid my head on his chest. Within seconds I fell asleep. I liked having him next to me.
I wake up with someone spooning me. I turned to see bright emerald green eyes staring at me. I smile at him and glance around the room to see everyone looking at us. I turn back to Johnny.
K; I think were being watched...
He looked around then back at me.
J; yeah I guess we are.
He smirked at me and pecked me on the lips. I looked shocked and his smirk got bigger. He stood up and walked to his room like nothing happened. I was still in shock when the girls started squealing and jumped on top of me.
L; omg! You have to tell us what happened!
B; everything!
A; in detail!
K; what do you mean? Nothing happened..
L; please! That's sooo not true.
B; tell us!
K; ok well... what happened was... I was watching that scary episode of Zach and Cody at like 3 in the morning...
L; wait which episode?
B; that one with the ghost?
K; yeah.
A; oh that ones really scary..
K; yeah...
l; well anyway... you were saying?
K; oh well right at the scary part he walked in the room and scared the heck out of me. He asked to watch with me and I nodded, so he sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around me-
L; omg!!!!!
B; he did?!!!
A; no way!!!
K; umm.. anyway...
l; right go ahead.
K; so he wrapped his arm around me and I laid my head on his chest-
L; *gasp* you did?!
K; yes! No can I talk now?
L; oh yeah go ahead.
K; well after that I fell asleep then I woke up with him spooning me. That's it. Nothing happened.
M; what do you mean nothing happened?!!
K; we're you guys listening the whole time?
H; duh!
We all start laughing.
M; you obviously like him.
Everyone nods.
K; I might a little but that's it! And it's not like anythings going to happen...
H; what do you mean nothings going to happen?!
K; I mean it's not like he likes me back.. he likes that other girl..
They all glared at me.
K; what?? He doesn't!!
J; who doesn't what?
Johnny walked in and sat back next to me and put his arm around me. Everyone smirked and looked at me. I whisper yelled at them.
K; this means nothing! He doesn't!
I looked back and smiled at Johnny and he smiled back. I looked back at them.
L; sure he doesn't.
She smirked and they walked away one by one.

Short chapter but I don't care.

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