Phone calls

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Kenzie's POV
It's Saturday night and I'm on the phone with Maddie.
K; hey mads
M; hi Kenz.
K; what's up?
M; I don't think I can come visit and stay for the summer.
K; why?
M; because mom signed me up for dance again and it's over the summer.
K; oh ok.
M; I'm sorry. Bye
M; bye.
I hang up the phone and walk into the living room. It's almost 10 o'clock.
K; hey guys I have to go to target, you wanna come?
Girls; yes!
Boys; ugh. Fine.
We all got into my car (mini van) and drove to target.
K&J; I call being in the cart!
Me and Johnny just looked a each other for a couple of seconds before racing to the carts. When we jumped in the same cart at the same time and were now squished against each other. To be honest I can't believe I'm sitting in the same cart as Johnny freaking Orlando and I never want to leave.
K; I got in first!
J; no you didn't I did!
We kept arguing.
B; ok ok can you two love birds stop? Both of you can sit in the cart.
We both rolled our eyes.
K; ok so let's get snacks
Mark and Hayden ran off to the snack aisle when I got a phone call.
K; hey Maddie what's up?
M; ok... so i may have lied before..
My smile fell to a frown and I got really tense. I didn't even care that Johnny had slipped his hand onto mine.
K; what happened?
M; well.. mom kinda got into a car accident last night...
I started to squeeze Johnny's hand afraid that my mom was hurt.
M; she broke her arm and got a concussion...
A tear streaked down my face and I laid my hand on Johnny's shoulder. I squeezed Johnny's hand a little harder and I felt myself shaking.
K; Is she going to be okay?
M; yes. I just don't want to leave her alone right now.
I stopped squeezing Johnny's hand but still holding it and lifted my head up off his shoulder.
K; of course you don't. Why didn't you tell me before?
M; I didn't want to worry you.
K; oh ok. Well take care of mom.
M; ok. And I didn't get to ask you this morning... are you ok?
K; yes other than mom why wouldn't I be?
M; I heard about Brandon.
K; oh.. yeah I'm fine. I'm so much happier. I have new friends... omg I forgot to tell you.
M; what?
K; Carson finally introduced me to... you know who.
She started to scream.
M; omg! You met Johnny freaking Orlando?!?!
Lucky only I could hear her.
K; yes, and I met his friends and Lauren and Brynn.
M; omg! omg! omg! Can I talk to him?!!
K; yes.
I turned to Johnny and handed him the phone.
K; she wants to talk to you.
He took the phone and was talking to her. I looked at Lauren and Brynn. They started mouthing things to me.
L; omg you guys are holding hands!
K; what are you talking about?
I then realized Johnny and I were still holding hands. I look back at them and blush.
B; it's Johnny isn't it? Your celebrity crush?
I just shrug. They both started to silent squeal. I rolled my eyes and Johnny handed me my phone.
J; she hung up.
K; oh ok thanks
We both let go of each others hand.
J; so what was that?
K; what?
J; why were you crying and squeezing my hand so hard.
K; oh... nothing.
I looked down and played with the ends of my hair.
J; no it was obviously something.
K; no it was nothing.
I looked back up and mark and Hayden came back running with snacks and dumped it on us. Johnny seemed to ignore it and just kept bugging me until he started to mimic me.
J; oh I'm Kenzie and I won't tell anyone my secrets.
I decided to return the favor.
K; oh I'm Johnny and I'm a freaking perv.
Lauren and Brynn high 5 me. And we started laughing.

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