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Kenzie's POV
It's the 4th of July and half the neighborhood is at my house. Right now Me and Brynn looking for Lauren. We walked into the guest room to see Lauren and Hayden both half naked sucking each others faces off.
K; maybe we should go...
We walk back out of the room and out to the pool. I was walking by the pool when someone came up behind me and started grinding on me from behind.
K; what the hell get off me!
I turned around to see Brandon standing there. People were taping us.
B; yo Kenz it's just me!
K; what the hell are you doing here?!
B; what I can't come see my own girlfriends party?
K; I'm not your damn girlfriend!
He grabbed my waist and pushed me on the wall.
K; got off of me! Let go of me!
He lifted me off the wall slightly and shoved me back on it, hard.
B; honey-
K; don't call me that! Get off of me!
He covered my mouth and punched me in the stomach. I screamed in pain under his hand. All of a sudden Brandon falls to the floor. Someone had punched him. I looked at who it was and it was Johnny. I was still standing against the wall, shacking, when Johnny started yell at him.
J; don't you ever touch her like that again! Now get out of here!
He stood up holding his jaw and ran out. I ran into Johnny's open hands and he walked me inside. I walked downstairs to my bathroom and looked in the mirror at my bruise on my stomach. Johnny walked in the bathroom and saw my bruise.
J; he did that to you?!
I covered it back up with my shirt.
K; yeah, I thought that's why you came over.
J; no...
k; well it's ok. I'm fine.
I couldn't help it. A tear streamed down my face.
J; hey.. don't cry..
he wiped my tear away and pulled me into a hug.
J; ok let's go upstairs and kick everyone out so we can watch the fireworks.
I couldn't help but laugh.
We walked upstairs to find that everyone had already left.
K; ayyyy!! Time for the private after party!!!
Everyone; ayyyyy!!
We all started laughing. We went outside to watch the fireworks. Every year the neighborhood next to us sets off huge fireworks and you can see them in my backyard. There were only 3 pool chais. Lauren and Brynn sat with each other and mark and Hayden sat with each other.
J; guess that means you and me.
K; I guess.
I sat next to him and I had to lay really close to him or I would fall off the chair. I rested my head on his chest and we sort of cuddled under one small blanket. His arm was around me and our legs overlapped. It felt really nice... the fireworks started and everyone just stopped talking. Johnny slipped his hand into mine and our fingers intertwined. Suddenly I was pulled out of my seat and punched in the gut and on my arm. I fell to the floor and saw that it was Brandon. Johnny jumped to his feet and started to beat the crap out of Brandon. I tried to stand up and walk over to them but Brandon pushed me against the wall and I hit my head and blacked out.

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