I need to forget

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Kenzie's POV
I woke up next to a total stranger, then I remembered what happened last night. I stood up and put a bathrobe on and tried to wake up the guy. He finally woke up a little confused until he saw he was naked. I threw him his clothes and we walked upstairs. I showed him out.
?; I'll call you?
K; no don't do that. This was a one time thing.
?; ok perfect.
I closed the door and walked into the living room to see a half asleep Johnny.
K; good morning
I said with a fake smile. He just glared at me.
K; what?
J; did you really just ask me that?
K; woah why you so mad?
J; why am I so mad?! You fking slept with a total stranger!
K; so? What do you expect me to do?! Sit around and let you play me just to break me?!
J; what the fk are you talking about!
K; you can't just come into my life and kiss me and flirt with me and lead me on just to make out with some other girl when you think I'm not looking!
J; what are you talking about?!
I pulled out my phone and showed him the picture I took of him and that girl.
J; Kenz I'm so-
K; just stop. I don't care if you were drunk, I don't care if she kissed you first. It's that you played me. And I don't want to hear a sorry.
He just stood there are stared at me with sadness in his eyes.
K; I'm going to pick up Carson and Annie from the airport and then I'm going somewhere I will forget....
I walked downstairs and put some clothes on then I drove to the airport to pick up Carson and Annie. They are coming home a week early because there are storms where they were.
K; hey guys!
I hug Carson then Annie. She seemed to have warmed up to me.
C; hey Kenz!
K; ok so Annie, I'm going to have to drop both of you off at our house and then Carson can drive you to your place, ok?
A; ok where are you going?
Carson walked away to get there bags.
K; somewhere I can forget.
A; forget what?
K; when you get to my house ask Lauren and Brynn. They know.
A; oh ok.
Carson came back with their bags and we walked to the car. When we were driving home I called the person I was going to.
?; who is this?
K; it's Kenzie. Listen. I need to come over.
?; alright, why?
K; I need to forget.
I sigh.
?; alright, when?
K; today, as early as I can.
?; alright I'll see you in 10.
K; ok perfect.
I hung up the phone.
C; who was that.
K; just a friend of mine.
C; oh ok.
I dropped them off and drove to their house.
K; hey.
?; thought I'd never see you again...
I walked inside and kicked my shoes off.

Annie's pov
When Kenzie drops us off at her and Carson's house we are greeted by Brynn Lauren Hayden mark and Johnny. I do what Kenzie told me to do and ask Brynn and Lauren what happened.
A; what happened with Kenzie? What does she need to forget?
They explained everything to me. From the day they got here to now.
A; so where do you think she went?
C; wait... what did she say she need to go over for when she was talking on the phone?
A; that she needed to forget... why?
C; shit! We have to go help her!
J; why?
C; she went to...

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