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Kenzie's POV &
It's the next morning and I'm making breakfast when Carson walked in.
C; hey... how you doing?
K; I'm fine. I don't care anymore.
C; ok. Well then it can tell you now.
K; tell me what?
C; well the guys have to stay here for the next month because their house is getting remodeled...
K; but Maddie's coming into town on Monday to visit for the summer.
Maddie lives in Pittsburgh with my mom.
C; yeah so you won't be totally alone...
k; alone? What do you mean alone?
C; well me and Annie are going out of town on Friday.
K; what?! You can't leave me here with them!
C; it's fine. I'll call Lauren and Brynn to come stay with you, ok?
K; fine.
C; ok let's go meet them.
K; what? I don't want to meet them now!
C; well you have too.
K; why?
C; because today is Friday and I have to leave.
K; ugh.
He pulled me into the living room.
C; guys this is my roommate Kenzie.
I gave a slight wave and a half smile.
C; Kenzie, this is Hayden, mark, and Johnny.
Boys; hey.
K; ok can I go back downstairs and be sad now??
C; no.
K; why???
C; because!
K; fine.
I plopped on the couch next to Johnny and Carson. I laid on Carson's shoulder and wrapped myself in a blanket burrito.
C; ok so now that you guys know each other...
he started to stand up...
k; wait.. no no no Carson.
I grabbed his hand but he got out of it.
C; see ya guys later.
He ran out the door and left me sitting there with a bunch of guys I don't know. I stated to stand up but I was pulled down again.
K; hey!
J; sorry not sorry.
It was the one and only Johnny Orlando.
K; what?
I was being rude because... I don't know why.
H; Johnny just wants to know the girl he made out with yesterday.
They all chuckled. I then realized that I was still in Johnny's grip. I quickly got out of it and started to stand up again. He grabbed my wrist again.
K; hey! Let go of me.
J; why?
K; because I don't feel comfortable....
He was pulling me closer to him and I tried to get out of it but he pulled really hard and I fell on top of him.
K; being this close to you.
I finally finished. He let go of my wrist and I stood up. I started to walk back to the kitchen when the door bell rang. I opened the door to see Brynn and Lauren.
K; hey guys!
They walked inside to the living room and saw the guys.
L; hey Hayden!
B; hey mark!
They both rolled their eyes when they saw Johnny.
B&L; hi Johnny..
They said with a sigh. I couldn't help but laugh. I walked back to the kitchen and finished poring my cereal. I walked back into the living room to see the only spot open on the couch was next to Johnny. I sat down next to him and went on my phone. I felt Johnny moving closer to me.
K; umm.. can you move over please?
J; oh sure.
He moved even closer to me. I just rolled my eyes.
K; so what do you guys want to do?
L; let's play truth or dare!
Everyone; ok.
We sat on the floor and I sat in between Lauren and mark.
L; ok I'll go.
She spun a bottle and it landed on Brynn.
L; Brynny truth or dare?
B; dare.
L; I dare you to play 7 minuets in heaven with mark in the bathroom.
Mark smirked.
B; where's the bathroom?
K; down the hall first door on the left.
Brynn grabbed marks hand and they ran into the bathroom. Like 20 minuets later they came out with messy hair and messed up lipstick. Brynn had a couple of hickeys.
J; more like 30 minuets in heaven.
We all laughed.
B; ok ok I spin.
She spun the bottle and it landed on me.
B; truth or dare?
K; umm.. truth.
B; who's your celebrity crush?
I fell back because it was Johnny.
L; omg who is it?!? Have you met them before?
I sat back up and nodded my head. My cheeks were so red even when I covered my face with my hands you could see I was blushing.
B; oh. My. God. Are they here??
They looked at the boys.
K; ugh. I don't want to answer this question. Is it too late to choose dare?
Everyone; yes!
I fell back onto the floor.
J; come on just tell us.
He put his hand on my thigh but I slapped it away. Then both of the other boys put their hands on my thigh and I immediately slapped them away also.
B; ugh! So it could still be either one of them.
I rolled my eyes and started to walk to the kitchen. I opened the fridge to get out a juice box. I walked back out to the living room only to be pinned up against the wall. It was Johnny who was pressed against me.
K; umm.. can you not?
J; can I not what? Do this?
He smashed his lips on mine and I was about to kiss back but I pushed him off.
K; what the hell was that for!
I wiped my lips and picked up the juice box I had dropped before.
J; just testing.
He said while smirking. I rolled my eyes and sat on the couch.

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