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Kenzie's POV
I woke up in the middle of the night again. All week I have been waking up in the middle of the night crying and stressed. I have a doctors appointment at 8 so I'll ask then. I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't so I just watched a friends until 6 then I went upstairs.
L; good morning.
K; good morning, why up so early?
L; couldn't sleep.
K; tell me about it.
I walk to the kitchen and got out the cereal when someone wrapped their arms around my waist.
J; good morning.
K; morning.
J; what you gonna do today?
K; I have a doctors appointment at 8-
J; umm for what?
He unwrapped his arms from my waist and stepped back scratching his neck. He seemed nervous. I knew what he thought so I decided to play with him a little.
K; well... I'm late.
J; y-you are?
K; yeah... but I'm sure everything's fine.
I give him a warm smile and walk away trying not to laugh.
L; so... I heard what happened Friday night.
I rolled my eyes.
L; so it's true?!
K; yes. I have to go get ready now.
I put my bowl in the sink and walk downstairs. After getting ready I head to the doctors.
I told the doctor about how I've been crying and stressed and not really happy and he gave me these pills. Anti-depression pills.
Doc; I want you to take these whenever you feel like that.
K; wait... are you saying I have depression?
Doc; yes but these should help and you might not be on them your whole life.
(I don't know how it works)
K; ok thanks doc.
I leave the office and come home to everyone waiting for me looking nervous.
J; so?
K; you told everyone didn't you?
They all nodded. I walked over and sat on Johnny's lap and acted sad. (Which wasn't really acting.
K; Johnny...
he looked super worried.
K; I'm messing with you.
J; what?
K; I wasn't late.
J; so you aren't pregnant?
K; nooo.
I giggle.
J; why do you have to mess with me like that?
I talk a little softer.
K; it's the only thing that makes me happy.
I stood up from his lap and walked downstairs. When I came upstairs for lunch I saw the same girl Johnny was making out with at that party in my living room sitting on Johnny's lap. I felt super sad so I walked downstairs changed into sweats and grabbed my pills. I walked up stairs and put the pills in my pocket. I walk back into the living room to see the girls sitting on the guys lap.
K; I feel like the 3rd wheel rn...
I walk in the kitchen and I felt like crying again and I didn't know why. I just felt really sad and stressed. I got out the ice cream and got out a pill. I put the rest in my pocket and swallowed the pill.
L; what was that?
I guess she saw.
K; just a pill.
L; for what?
I could tell she was worried but I didn't want to tell her.. or anyone for that matter...
K; umm... I'm lactose intolerant so I have to take a lactaid pill when I eat dairy.
That was a lie.
L; oh ok...
I felt really bad. I was about to take the ice cream downstairs when Carson called me into the living room. I walked over and leaned against the wall as far away from Johnny as I could.
K; yeah?
C; what do you want to do for your birthday tomorrow?
J; wait... it's your birthday tomorrow?
Yes tomorrow is my birthday and I don't want to celebrate. I hate that he just said that now everyone knows.
K; yes.
C; so what do you want to do?
K; oh I don't want to do anything I never really celebrated it anyway.
C; yes you did. Me you and Annie would always go out and celebrate.
K; well maybe I just don't want to ok?
C; are you ok what's wrong?
K; nothing!
Lauren walked in the room not knowing what was just happening.
L; hey Kenz I'm going to the store.. you want me to get you more lactaid pills?
K; no have plenty.
C; wait... Kenzie you aren't lactose intolerant.
K; yes I am.
C; no...
K; yes!
C; can I call your doctor?
I got so mad. I slammed the ice cream on the counter and everyone flinched. I walked over to Carson and grabbed his ear and pulled him into the kitchen.
C; ow ow ow.
I let go of his ear and whisper yelled at him.
K; you are so stupid! You ruin everything!
C; what are you talking about?
K; I don't want to celebrate my birthday with Johnny and I know I'm lactose intolerant!
C; than why did Lauren say that?
I pulled out the pills and showed them to him.
K; Lauren caught me taking one and I didn't want to tell her.
C; anti- depression pills? Why do you have these?
K; my doctor gave them to me this morning.
C; does this mean-?
K; yes I have depression ok?! And you can't tell anyone! Now even Annie! Got it!
He nodded and gave me back my pills. We walked back into the living room and I realized that girl was still here. I walk over to her and home out my hand. I give her a warm smile.
K; hi I'm Mackenzie.
She takes my hand.
??; hi I'm Nadia.
K; nice to meet you. I'm very sorry you had to hear that. We let go of each other's hands and I go downstairs. I lay down on my bed and just cry and cry for hours. I felt like dying. He just used me again.

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