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Kenzie's POV
So right now Nadia is over because we're having a girls night.
L; so Nadia what's up with you and Johnny? Is Jadia real?
My heart broke a little and I don't know why.
N; no me and Johnny are just like... friends with benefits but we'll stop want Johnny finally gets k- I mean the girl he's after.
Brynn gasped.
B; you know who it is too?
K; too?
B; yeah.. well we kinda all know...
K; what? Why didn't you guys tell me?
They all looked at each other then down until Lauren spoke up.
L; we thought you would be sad.
N; so how are things with you and John?
I put a fake smile on.
K; who? Oh Lauren's dumb brother? Well he really only used me to sleep with me and he probably only thinks of me as a one night stand but other than that it's been good.
Tears filled my eyes. I quickly blinked them away and smiled again.
K; ok let's play a game.
L; what game?
B; truth or dare!
Everyone; ok.
We sat on my bed in a circle.
L; ok I'll go first. Kenzie truth or dare.
K; truth.
L; is it true you have depression?
B; Lauren! You can't just ask that!
K; how... who... when...
I was getting a little mad and sad.
L; well... Carson kinda told us...
I fake laugh.
K; all of you?.. everyone?
L; well...
I quickly got up and ran up to Carson's room.
K; Carson!
I burst in. Not caring that the guys were in there, I jumped on top of him and started to hit him.
K; how could you!
C; what did I do now?
K; you told everyone!
C; everyone what?
My eyes filled with tears as I looked around the room. I see the guys sitting on the floor shocked and the girls in the doorway.
K; you told everyone why I use those... those pills!
C; yes. I did Kenzie... because having depression isn't something you should be ashamed of or keep a secret.
K; well guess what it wasn't your secret to tell.
I got off of him and walked out of the room. I sat on my bed and dug my head into my knees. I heard someone walk in and I looked up. It was Carson.
C; listen Kenzie I'm really sorry I told everyone about-
I cut him off by hugging him.
K; I'm sorry I kept yelling at you and hitting you. I know you were just looking out for me.
Everyone else came in and joined the hug except Johnny, he just stood in the doorway.
I held out my hand for him to take. When he finally did I pulled him into the hug. We finally let go of each other and sat down.
L; ok... so it's girls night no boys allowed unless something comes up.
The guys walk out and we continue to play truth or dare.
K; ok who wants to go next?
B; I will. Kenzie truth or dare?
K; dare.
B; I dare you to go into the guys room take Johnny into this bathroom (points to the bathroom in my room) and play 7 minuets in heaven.
I rolled my eyes and stood up. I walked upstairs into Carson's room. I walk over to Johnny and hold out my hand. He makes a confused face but takes it anyway. I pulled him out of the room and downstairs. The guys followed. I pulled Johnny into the bathroom and locked the door.
J; what's happening?
I look at the time and back at him.
K; 7 minuets, ready?
He quickly understood and I smashed my lips on his.
After 7 minuets I had hickeys down my neck and we were both shirtless and out of breath. We put our shirts back on and walk out. The guys walked back upstairs and I sat back down in the circle. They were all smirking at me.
K; what?
B; what happened?
K; nothing..
A; please! We can see the hickeys on your neck..
L; your hair and lipstick is messed up...
N; and your out of breath.
K; ok fine! Gosh you guys are like freaking detectives.
They all laughed.
N; so you going to ask him out?
K; what no! He's still the guy that used me.
J; I didn't use you.
Johnny came in through the door.
K; do you always listen to my conversations?
J; yes. Do you really think I just used you?
K; well... yeah...
He looked a little mad. He quickly pulled me up and dragged me into the bathroom. As I turned to look at him I was pinned up against the wall. He smashed his lips on mine and I was quick to kiss back. His mouth found my sweet spot and I gave out slight moans. He then whispered in my ear.
J; I didn't use you Kenzie... not everyone will do what Brandon did.
How did he know that's what it was? His hands slid down to my waist.
J; I actually like you... but don't tell...
That sent shivers down my spine. He kissed me again and walk out. I walked out after him and I fell on my bed.
K; what the hell just happened?
L; that's what we would like to know.

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