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Kenzie's POV
I woke up with Lauren sitting on top of me.
K; Lauren what the heck? Did you change me and do my makeup?
L; hold still
She put a blind fold on me and walked me upstairs.
K; Lauren what's going on?
She let go of me and I ran into someone.
K; hello? Who is this?
J; guess.
K; Johnny what's going on?
He took off my blind fold and I saw that we were surrounded by rose petals.
K; what is all this?
He didn't answer my question and pulled out a box from behind his back. He opened it and it was a beautiful necklace that said jenzie.
J; Kenzie will you be my girlfriend?
K; yes yes yes!!!!!
I jumped into his arms and wrapped my arms around his legs. He smashed his lips on mine and we both smiled. When we pulled apart we whispered at the same time. "I love you."

The end!

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