Part 4

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Marcus POV:

She was there, only some meters away from us, watching us with a cold face, big brown eyes and her brown hair were tied in a ponytail.

* Fuck she is hot* shut up!

 I can feel how nervous we were, I looked at tinus who was giving me a look like "I told you it was not a good idea"

 After some seconds of silence which looked like ages, she broke the silence.

  tess: who are you and what the hell the two of you are doing here? 

We didn't replay, cuz we didn't know what to say, we can't say her that we wanted to check through the window if some kids lived here.

  Tess: aren't you thieves?? who were here to steal?? 

Tinus: no we are not 

tess: so what are you?? ..Wait, ain't you kidnappers?? If it is like this then you better stay away from me or I'll punch really hard. 

Mac: no we are not thieves and neither kidnappers we were here..we where.. *Marcus think Marcus think *
oh yeah, we were here for this.

 I walked over the football and took it in my hands.

 Mac: we were here for our football, we were playing but Martinus hit so hard that it jumped in your garden.

 Afer some sec she said: well if you finished your FBI research and toke your football you can kindly leave, cuz I saw you while you were looking through the window. 

Tinus: okay okay we are leaving.

he took me by the arm and dragged me out of her garden.

 She was fire, I want to know her better.

 Tinus brings me back on the hearth by slamming the main door, I guess he is angry. 

Tinus: I told you it was not a good idea, she caught us. She even thought we were thieves or kidnappers, I was about to say it was your idea, but thank god your brain worked and said we were here for the football. 

Mac: you should thank me

  tinus: yeah sure thank you majesty for saving me from you f*ckin idea and going in the prison cuz we were kidnappers or thieves. 

He rolled his eyes and sat on the table to have lunch.

Haha, he is pissed off, but he will be fine after some time. 


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