Part 52

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Tessa pov:

*2 weeks Later*

Marcus invited me to go out with him and I'm so excited about it, I'm always excited about spending some time with him.

I wear some casual clothes as we are not going to do anything special. I say bye to mom followed by a kiss on her cheek.

Mom: you seem really happy.

Tessa: I am.

My mom turns around and looks at my face with a big smile.

Mom: He makes you really happy, doesn't he?

Tessa: the happiest. I love him more than anything in the world.

Mom: I'm so happy for you.

Tessa: thanks, mom. I have to go now, see you later. Byee.

Mom:Bye, have fun.

I close the door behind me and run into Marcus arms which were already open for me.

I hug him super tight.

Mac: hey princess.

That nickname makes me smile like an idiot.

Mac: hey Macii.

Yes, that's a name I gave him, he said he loves it and that I was the first and only who calls him like that.

Mac: you ready?.

Tessa: always.

He intertwined our fingers and started to go toward the football field while talking about random stuff.

When we turnt the corner I pointed at an old big house and said: I really like that house.

Marcus looked ad the house and said: that? It's so old and dirty.

Tessa: so what? I like it and it just needs someone who could take care of it. I think I'll buy it when I get older.

Mac: you sure you wanna buy that??

Tessa: yep.

Mac: okay, let's go now.

After some time we arrived at the field and hopefully was empty.

Marcus wanted to play somr football and that's what we did.

After some time of playing, he fell down and I fell on him. we both laughed like crazy, ending up having a make-out session.

I got off him and layed next to him while breathing heavily.

after some minutes I started to breathe normally.

Marcus turned on my way and packed my lips a couple of times while saying: I, love, you, so, much.

I giggle a little and take his face between my hands and pack his lips as well while saying: I love you more.

mac: noPe, I love you the most.

Tessa: you sure Gunnarsen?

mac: more then anything else.

Tessa: I love you the most.

Mac:nope, I do more.

Tessa: fight me.

I said with a smirk on my face and he smirks back, knowing exacly what I mean.

in less than some seconds, I got up and started to run as fast as I could, followed by Marcus who was trying to chase me.

Tessa: you won't catch me, I'm faster.

Mac: sure, I'm just warming up myself, I would have reached you in less than some minutes.

I stick my tongues at him and kept on running and running trying to escape from Marcus.



I heard a loud noise followed by a scream.

I looked behind and Marcus was not there.


leave a star for more.

we are almost at the end.

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