Part 36

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//(((SONG: Up With It- Jacob Sartorius))//

Mac POV:

I opened my eyes after a long time.

I looked around, I was in Tessa room, but where is Tessa.

I fastly got up and went outside the room.


I started to shout her name.

I checked in the toilet, she is not there.

In her parent's room.

In all the room upstairs, but she is not anywhere.

I fastly run downstairs and started to search for her there, but she was not even there.

*Where the fuck she went.*

*shit, Marcus why you fell asleep.*


*What if...Finn di something to her. *

*nonono. She must be here somewhere.*

I fastly put my shoes on and went outside.

I'm so worried about her right now, where is she.

I started to check in the garden.


But nothing.

When I was about to turn around and going to search her outside I hear someone behind me: yeah??

I turned around and there she is.

With some pasta in her hands?

I fastly run to her and hugged her tight.

Tessa POV:

Mac runs toward me and hugged me tightly.

*what happened?*

Mac: where were you?? You scared me. Crazy. Couldn't you tell me before going somewhere?

Tessa: calm down, I was hungry, I saw you were sleeping so I left you sleeping and went downstairs to cook something. I decided to make some pasta but there was not any in the kitchen so I went to the basement to get some.

He broke the hug, looked at me and said:wow. you never talked this much.

I rolled my eyes and said: Idiot.

Mac: Crazy.

We went back and started to make some pasta.

Mac POV:

I sat on the dining table and she started to cook.

Suddenly she stretched to take something from the cupboard that was up and her shirt lifted up.

*Don't look down Marcus, don't look down*

But the man in me woke up and I directly landed my eyes on her butt.

Not gonna lie. She has a really nice butt.

I realized that I was staring at her butt for more than ten minutes.

My view interrupted when she turned around to look at me and said: You eat pasta, don't you?

Mac:huh? ehm, I mean yeah yeah, I eat pasta.

Tessa:so how much do you want me to put in the plate.

I get up and went next to her.

Mac: just a little.

She started to put some.

Mac: okok, that' enough.

Tessa: If you don't like it you can throw it, it's fine, I'm not a chef.

Mac:I'm sure it's great.

I smiled.

She sat on the chair next to her.

We started to eat.

It's not bad at all.

Tessa: how it is?

Mac: is good, really good and I'm not saying cuz I want to make you happy, It's actually really good.

She smiled.

*Geez that smile*

We finished our pasta, she washed the plates and we went to sit on the couch.

Tessa POV:

He said he liked the pasta.

I'm really happy.

We sat on the couch for the rest of the night.

I'm glad he decided to stay with me.

We talked about ourselves.

We listened to some music, we kinda have the same teste, but mine is better.

*just kidding*

I looked at the time and it's 9.30 o'clock.

I'm feeling sleepy.

I slowly closed my eyes and in less than some minutes fall asleep.

To say the truth Mac was singing one of his songs and I haven't listen to him at all after two minutes.

But he sings hella good.

There is no better way to go to sleep while listening to Marcus singing.

Mac POV:

I was singing her one of our songs, but after some time I felt a head on my shoulder.

she fell asleep.

I slowly brought her head on my lap, so she can be more comfortable.

I moved a lock of her hair behind his ear.

She is so calm when she sleeps.

She looks so cute.

So naive.

So innocent.

*I what to be in bed with her. I'm not talking about fucking and passing out. No. She is better than that. I'm talking about just laying next to her. Rolling and finding my way to her body. Holding her tight, protecting her from any bad dream she has. Finding her hand in mine like an uncontrollable even in our sleep. Kissing her head as she lays her head on my chest. Feeling her heartbeat as she's soundly asleep in my arms. Intertwining our bodies in our unconscious states. Just being connected like one. I just want to be in bed with her.*

I'm so fucking in love with her.

My eyes started to get heavier as I lay my head on the couch and passing my fingers through her hair.

They are really soft.

Slowly I closed my eyes and in less than some minutes, I fell asleep.


  Suddenly I heard a noise at the door. 


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