Part 37

413 43 3

Mac POV:

Suddenly I heard a noise.

I slowly opened my eyes and it was 10.30 o clock.

I looked down and Tessa was still sleeping.

She was holding my hand.

*geez can I wake every time like this ?*

I looked to my left and saw a couple.

Very well dressed.

They both were looking at me.

Well, I guess I have to give them some answers.

Mac: uhm hi Mr and Mrs Bake.

Kate: uhn hey, marcus?

Mac: uhm yeah.

Tessa mom looked at his husband then back at me.

Tessa dad doesn't look that happy to see me so close to her daughter.

Andrew: what are you doing here, at this time, and like this?

He said pointing tessa on my lap.

Mac: well, I-I was sitting, I mean we were sitting on the couch. Than Tessa fall asleep. Then I waited for you. Then you come. Now we are here.

I was hella nervous.

He looked a little angry.

*Not a good impression Marcus *

Then Kate looked at Tessa dad and said: love, you can go and change I'll manage here.

His husband looked back at me and said: you better not hurt my girl.

I swallow heard.

Kate: Andy, don't say this, go and change. I will manage here.

He nodded and gave me a death glare.

*Wow. Overprotective?*

*Of course he is. If you have a beautiful daughter like there why wouldn't you be like him?*

He went upstairs.

Kate looked at me.

Mac: I didn't do anything,I swear, we were just sitting, then she fell asleep, I don't know, then I fell asleep, nothing happ-

Kate: calm down calm down. I know nothing happened, I trust you.

Mac: thanks.

then we both looked at Tessa.

Mac:uhm, I think now I must go home, you both are back.

She nodded.

Before leaving, I slowly pressed my lips on her forehead and said bye to Kate.

*Thank god her dad didn't kill me*


*after 2 days*


I'm going on my way to school.

Lemme say, I'm not in the mood to going to school, but I have to.

Today we even have the afternoon classes.


Yesterday Finn was missing, thank god.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I turned around and it was Marcus with Martinus.

Mac: Hey Tess.

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