Part 13

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Tessa POV:

I was going on my way to school singing. 

Suddenly someone patted on my shoulder.

 I flinched a little and turned around. 

*no. I really hope he didn't hear me while I was singing* 

 *what he wants now* 

Tessa: Yeah?? 

 mac: Theresa I wan- I cut him off and said: Tess, call me Tess. 

I don't really like when they call me Theresa, I prefer Tess or maybe Tessa.

Mac: Uhm yeah,okay, Tess, I wanted to thank you for yesterday.

*thanks?' for yesterday?' what I did yesterday? I don't even remember what I ate this morning how tf I will remember what I did yesterday.*

 Mac: you know, for helping me with my math test.

*oh yeah , now I remember*

Tess: oh yeah, it's fine. 

I just managed to say that before turning around and going back on my way to school. 

Why I act so nervous around him? Why my heart beats so fast when I'm around him?' this is so weird.

*you are starting to like him*

STFU you idiot, I don't.

 Ah, just leave it. 

I arrived at school. I went to my class and even today I was the first. 

I took my last seat and waited.

 While I was waiting I remembered that I forgot...... to take lunch...


*I had just a little breakfast. oh god Tess, go to hell, can't you just remember to take the fuckin' lunch.

well I guess, I will buy something in the canteen.


 I'm so angry at myself right now.

 Just when I thought nothing can go worst my fuckin' bench mate I guess is here. 

*GOOOD please help me to survive this 9 hours of hell.* 

He came closer and sat next to me.

 It seems like one of those bad boys. But I can't blame him for no reason. 

I really hope this "thing" does not try to talk to me. 


Guy next to me: hey, er du ny her? (hey, are you new here?) 

I looked him like tf are you sayin' bro? 

the guy next to me: jeg heter Finn, og du? (im Finn and you?) 

Is this boy kiddin' me?? What the shit he is saying??, 

I was just looking at him emotionless. And when he was still waiting for my answer I just said: English ??

 and then he said: Ohh, sorry I didn't know you didn't know Norwegian. By the way im Finn, and what about you? 

He asked me this by giving me his hand for shake it, I just stared at it and I didn't want to shake hand with him. I don't like him.

 I replied: im Theresa, Theresa bake. 

He said: Theresa, a beautiful name for a pretty girl like you. Nice to meet you.

I Just turned around, was he flirting with me?? Seriously bro?? we don't even know each other. I don't want friends, especially him. 

The lesson started and it was kinda boring. 

But in the next lesson, the math teacher will give us the math test. Im kinda nervous.

Marcus POV:

 as we entered in the class, I saw the last thing I wanted to see. 

Finn. Really ?? he is back. 


I hate him. 

He is one of the biggest fuckboy around here. He finds the cutest girl around here and well, you all know how it ends up.

 My heart stopped when he sat next to Tessa.


I can see him talking with Tessa.

But thank god she is not giving much attention to him. 

I don't want Tessa to be the next Finn's target. 

I have to talk to her. Maybe later cuz the lesson is starting.


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