Part 32

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Tessa POV:

As we opened the door Martinus was smirking.

*Why? *

Mac: what?

Tinus: where you both were?

Mac :in the bath-

tessa:we were in the corridor.

I glared at Marcus.

Tinus:oh, I thought Tessa forgot the way to my room.

he smirked even bigger.

I took the pillow and throw it at him.

He started to laugh and he threw it again at me.

But I moved away and the pillow hit Marcus.

marcus:ehhyyy. What I did?

Marcus took the pillow and throw it at Tinus, but he hit me instead of Tinus.

I take the pillow again and throw it at Marcus.

*Okay, this is a pillow fight. Let the battle begin.*

We started to laugh and scream like idiots. 

In less than five minutes the whole room was upside down.

 I was on the bed and Marcus was sitting on me trying to hit me, I was trying to hit him back and tinus was hitting both of us.

 After some minutes my mom and Anne came into the room really worried, and we stopped.

*Ops. They got us.*

Marcus was still on top of me. 

*He better get off before I punch him.*

 Anne:what is going on here?

None of us answerd her.

Mom:Tessa what is going here?


I said really excited.

But they didn't find it as exciting as I thought.

Mom: look, you guys made such a mess and so much noise.

We looked around, and yep.

Sheets, books, pillows, nothing was at their place, lol.

Tess:uhm sorry? I will tidy it, promise.

She looked at me pissed off.

But than she smiled : crazy, come on, tidy it and come downstairs, it's late.

I smield and saids:okay.

They both left.

We looked at each other for some seconds and staterd to laugh again.

*No okay I have to stop, I have to tidy this dude's room.*

I pushed Marcus off me on the floor, which was frozen on me and staring me.

Mac:ouch you hurt me.

He said acting hurt.

*OMG, someone please call the ambulance*

I rolled my eyas and asked:really? Where?

Mac: here.

He said putting his hand on his heart.


Now get up I have to tidy.

He got up and said:I will help you too.

He said getting up the pillows from the floor.

I tided the sheets, mac the pillows and tinus the books.


Tinus:yup, but it was fun.

I looked at him.

tinus:the pillow fight of course, not tidying.

We giggled.

I took my things and put them in the bag.

Mac:you are going?


I put my shoes and we all went downstairs, where mom and Anne were waiting for us at the door.

Mom:you tidied the room?


She smiled.

Mom:so let's go??

Tess:lets gooooo.

She hugged Anne, than tinus and than marcus.

I went to say bye to Anne and she hugged me.

At first I didn't hug her back, but then I did.

Anne: come often Tessa.


I said bye to tinus.

He did something that was not expected.

He pulled me in a hug and said:bye tessa, thanks for coming.

I hugged him back and said: thanks for inviting me.

We broke the hug and I went to say bye to mac.

*Should I hug him or not? I hugged his mom and bro, should I hug him too?.*

Without thinking another time I pulled him in a hug and said:bye marcus.

*marcus? that sounded so weird from my mouth.*

*by the way he smells really good, I would sniff the suck out of him*

He hugged me back tightly and said: bye tess. Thanks again.

He whispered in my ear.

We broke the hug and he was smiling widely.

I turn around and started to go back home.  


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