Part 14

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Marcus POV:

Thank god the lesson ended it was boring, now its math time. 

The teacher is going to give us our tests.

 Im nervous.

 I hope it went well. 

The teacher started to hand them.




Martinus he smiled at me, he is good so it went well.


 Marcus. It's my turn I go and take my test. 

I looked at the mark. 

A breath of relief left from my mouth. 87 on 100 not bad. Thank god. Im happy now.

 I looked at Tessa but she was looking down. I will tell her later. 

I smiled at tinus as well and went to sit on my seat.

 After a couple of names, she called Theresa.

She got up and went there.

  Teacher: you did a great job, Theresa, im proud of you, keep it up like this.

 She just smiled a little and took the test. S

he went to her seat checked her mark and put the test in her bag.

 I wonder what she got.

 The next lessons ent fast and it was lunchtime. 

I first wanted to rush to Tessa. 

But me Martinus and our friends stopped to say how our test went. 

Martinus got 93 on 100. 

He is good, im proud of him, and I'm glad that he is my bro. 

I watched over Tessa which was still sitting on her chair and Finn was talking to her, all she did is nodding.

 I hate him so much.

 Then I saw Tessa getting up and going on her way to the canteen, thank god Finn didn't follow her.

 We went to the canteen as well.

  My eyes were searching for her.

There she is, she I sitting in a corner all alone and she is not having her lunch, maybe she will do it later.

 We sat on a table kinda near to her. 

We did our lunch, but she didn't. I wonder why.

 I thought this was my time, I packed my things in my bag and said to tinus and my friends that I'll be back, and they said ok.


sorry for the short part.

pls leave a star.

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