part 55

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*after a couple of days*

I take a last look to my room I didnt take everything, I just toke some things, like me and Marcus pics, some posters and other stuff that is close to my heart.

I put the last luggage in the uber and go back inside to my parents.

They both are standing there and my mom is already read to cry.

With a smile on my face I hug her tight and there, she starts to cry.

Tessa: Oh my God mom, I'm not going forever, and its not like we will never talk duh. Stop crying.

I brake the hug and weep her tears away.

I take her face in my hands and with a forced smile on my face I say: hey, I know that you are upset, but please dont cry and make it harder then it already is. Please ? For me?. I'm doing this for me, for Marcus, for my future, for us. You know? And we have already talked about it, right?. We took this decision after talking about all the pros and cons right ?. So please, please, please dont cry.

She looks at me for some seconds and nods her head.

I hug her tight again, not knowing when I'll hug her next.

Then I hug dad.

Dad: you are my princess dont let anyone hurt you and remember , everytime you need help dont forget about us.

Tessa: how can I forget about you? Is that even possible?.

He giggles.

I brake the hug and step in the uber.

I know we didnt say goodbye as we should, but we that's something we did in the past days.

I tell my uber to stop at the city hospital and he does.

The doctors said that Marcus is compleately stable and he is not anymore in danger.

He can go home tomorrow and he just needs to pay attention when he does some stuff as walking and other stuff, he still needs help for doing those things.

The uber pulls in the parking lot,I get off and lead myself to his room.

I open the door and a smiley Marcus is laying there.

Mac: hey , you are exactly 3 minutes and 34 seconds late. I missed you.

I giggle at the complain of me being late and sit next to him.

Tessa: sorry. The traffic, you know.

Mac:its okay.

He moves a little away and makes space ok the bad, I frown my eyebrows and look at him trying to understand what he was doing.

He pats twice on the empty side of the bad.

Tessa: what?

Mac: lay.

Tessa: are you fine? We are not at home Marcus.

Mac: so what. Just lay next to me, you haven't done that in a while.

Tessa: no way. Not happening.

Mac: okay fine, then you can go home I dont want to talk to you anymore. Bye.

Tessa: bu-

Mac: and close the door when you leave.

Is he serious???

I get up and go to the door, I look back at him but he is not looking at me.

I lock the door,go back to him and lay next to him.

He turns to face me.

Tessa: you thought I was leaving, huh didnt you?

I say with a smirk.

He leans in and kisses me passionately.

He breaks the kiss and says: I know you won't leave me, never in a million.

Those words hurt like hell, and my smile fades away.

Mac: what? Did I say something wrong?

Tessa: uhm no, now shut up and it's your bed time. So sleep.

I say with pushing him slightly.

Mac: first kiss me.

Tessa: I just did that.

Mac: so what? I want another one.

Tessa: bu-

Mac: please babe? Then I'll sleep.

He says while pouting. I cant say no to him.

I let him kiss me and I kiss him as passionately as I could, cuz this may be the last one.

He brakes the kiss and lays his head on my chest with one of the biggest smiles on his face.

I put my fingers through his hair while running them softly.

He closes his eyes and after some seconds he says: I love you babe.

Tears start to create in my eyes ,I fast wipe them away as soon as they leave my eyes.

Mac: wont you say it back??

Tessa: I love you.

Mac: don't leave me, never ever.

And again these words hit my heart, but I mange to not cry and finally he closes his eyes completely and falls asleep.

After not much time I get up and try to get off the bed, after a long time I manged to do it.

I place a letter next to him and give him a last look while packing his lips multiple times.

Before my vision could get blurrier I close the door behind me.

I search for Anne and Erik, but I fail.

I gave the letter to Emma and told her to give it to their parents.

I hug her tight and kiss her a couple of times on the cheek before leaving.

I search for tinus and I find him. Thank God I found him at least.

Tessa: hey.

Tinus:hey tessa.

Tessa: how are you??

Tinus: fine and you ?

Tessa:fine, I guess.

I dont think twice and hug him As tight as I could.

He hugs me back.

Tessa: I couldn't find your parents, I gave a letter to Emma to give to them and I left some gifts on the dinner table at your house.

Tinus: why tho??

Tessa: I just wanted to.

I brake the hug and look at him for some seconds before heading him a letter.

Tessa: this is for you. Dont open it. Promise me you will open it after 15 minutes I leave.

Tinus: bu-

Tessa: promise me Martinus.

He gives up.

Tinus: ugh, fine. Promise.

I smile and hug him for the last time.

Tessa: I need to go now, I'm in a hurry, see you and remember, after 15 minutes.

Not as soon as I turn the corner ,I start to kinda run to the uber, cuz tinus might open the letter. He is so stubborn.

I hop in as fast as I could and tell the driver to leave as soon as possible, I can already feel tinus running behind me.

Leave a star for moreee!!
Late update sorry!!

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