part 30

441 35 1

Tessa POV:

 My eyes widened.

my heart skipped a beat and started beat hella fast.

My hand started to get sweaty.

My face was red.

Completely red.

I'm completely frozen and have no idea to what to do or say.






*does he has any abs??*

*don't look down, don't look down, don't look down.*

The only thing I was repeating in my head

Fuck such a wrong timing. 

  He was red like a tomato as well.  

Marcus looked at me super embarrassed and said: H-h-hey Tess.

I fastly looked down and turned around without saying hi to him. 

Tessa: I-I-I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I thought it was Tinus room.

I said while turning around and fastly closing the door behind me. 

I was so embarrassed and exited the room so fastly that I bumped into someone and his book fall to the floor.

*Tessa you are such a disaster*

I fastly kneeled own and started to pick up the books.

  I took up all the books and as I looked up, it was Martinus.  

Tessa:uhm, I-I-I'm so sorry, I was in a h-hurry, I-I-I'm really so-

Tinus: no problem, It's fine.

We got up and I started looking around, but not at him.

Tinus: why are you so nervous? And you were such in a hurry while you were coming out of my room??

Tessa:that is your room??

Tinus:yeah. what happened??

Tessa: I-I-I went in the room,I thought it was you, a-a-and there was M-Marcus i-in.

Word blocked in my mouth.

Tessa:In only boxers.

I said looking down.

Tinus: embarrassing enough.

i nodded.

after some seconds Marcus opened the door.

I had my back at him.

I don't want to turn around.

I'm so fucking scared.

Tinus: you can turn around tess.

I turned around slowly. and thank god he was wearing something.

*thank god*

Mac: I-I'm so sorry, I didn't know you wer-

Tess: it's fine, it's fine

tinus: shall we go?? 

Tinus asked me politely.

I nodded, passed next to Marcus and Tinus in front of me.

Marcus went out and closed the door behind him.

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