Part 34

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Tessa POV:

I woke up by my alarm going off.

*oh great, It's already Monday. Why Saturday is so close to Monday when Monday is so far away from Saturday. like why???*

*ugh, I have to get up.*

I got up and did my morning routine.

Dad dropped me at school.

I went to my locker to get some books, but when I opened it.

Cards. Cards. and more Cards. 

*What the actual fuck. Where these come from?*

I picked up one and there was written on: Happy Valentine's Day.

*Oh fuck, I forgot it's Valentine's day*

*Like, who the fuck celebrates Valentine's day,*

I rolled my eyes

*I killed Cupid  a year ago, for self-defense*

I put all the card back in the locker, I will check later.

I rushed in the classroom.

In the first period we gave our esseys to the techer and she said she will gave them back the next day.

I hope it went good.


The day passed fast, the bell rang, I took all the cards from my locker and put them in my beg.

I went outside.

I don't know where Marcus and Martinus are, I haven't seen them or talked that much to them today. 

I looked a little around and happy couple everywhere.

*cheesy as fuck*

Some were making out and some were telling romantic things.


Sudddenly someone pat on my shoulder.

I turned around and saw Finn.

With a rose and a gift in his hand.

*Tell me he didn't want to pat on my shoulder and he got the wrong girl*

He brought his hand behind his neck and his cheek went a little red.

Finn: uhm hey Tess.

Tess: hey?

Finn: h-how are you?

*Finn cocking on his own words,not a good sign, God please bring him away*

Tess: what do you want?

Finn: uhm, can you be less cold sometimes.

I rolled my eyes and turned around.

*I have to go away as fast as I can*

But Finn came in front of me.

Finn: can't you listen and talk to me once.

Tess: be fast.

Finn: uhm, happy Valentine's day tess.

He said handing me the rose.


Finn: uhm, I wanted to say that from the first day I had feeling for you.

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