Part 5

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Tessa POV:

Who were they and why tf they looked so nervous when I caught them?

 I think they were the twins who live in the big white house in front of us that dad told me about. 

What was their name.. the Gregsons??. 

Well who cares, they just have to stay away from me. 

Suddenly I heard the main door opening and my dad telling me to come downstairs. 

When I went downstairs my mom and dad were sitting at the table and they asked me to take a seat, so I did.

 I was feeling kinda nervous, I don't know why.

 dad: we called you here cuz we wanted to say that tomorrow you are going to school. Tomorrow we will drop you at your new school and the principal will show you your new class. 

Oh great, now I will have to go to a school where I don't know anyone and don't understand a single word of what they say. 

Tess: but dad I don't know Norwegian. 

dad: you will learn tess, you can make some friends there and ask them to help you. 

I rolled my eyes at those words, seriously?? 

Omg, tomorrow Is going to be a hell of day. 

Tess: okay, fine, im going to school tomorrow, is there a uniform or smth? 

Dad: no, you can wear whatever you want.

 thank god, at least I can wear whatever I want, I hate uniforms. 

I got up from my chair and went to my room to get ready for my first school day.


I've done my dinner and im lying on my bed wondering how much my first day of school can be bad. 

It can happen they don't understand me, and of course, I won't understand them. 

I can understand math and stuff, but I won't understand history or science.

 I really hope to don't give me much attention, I hate when everyone looks at me.

 Omg and I really hope that Gregson won't be in my class, cuz im going to throw myself from the window of my room if those FBI agents are in my class.

 Ah, I must sleep or I will be late and tired af if I don't sleep.

 I switch off the light and closed my eyes. Tomorrow is a new day..    


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