Ash and Julie vs Charlotte!

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Going back at the buildings, Ash and Julie are facing off against Charlotte.

"It's only a matter of time before I beat you two" said Charlotte.

Ash began to feel tired for he already made a couple of explosions for about half an hour already, while Julie is about to run out of magical energy.

"This isn't good, we kept on attacking her yet she keeps on dodging all of it." said Ash.

"Now that you mentioned it, she didn't even attacked us once. She was actually trying to make us use up all of our energy." Julie replied.

Charlotte deactivates her power and sat down.

"Say, why don't the two of you just give up?" Charlotte asked.

"Are you mocking us?!" Julie said angrily.

"I'm not. In fact, you should both be glad that I'm not using my ability at the both of you." said Charlotte.

"Enough talk!" said Ash as he used his magic again to make another explosion near Charlotte.

The explosion caused half of the upper building to collapse.

Julie and Ash jumped to the other building.

"How'd you like that" said Ash as he lie down in exhaustion.

Julie and Ash manages to move away from the collapsing building.

"Not bad, but that was actually pretty close." said Charlotte.

Julie and Ash were astonished to know that Charlotte survived that close range explosion.

"If I didn't used my ability, I would've been a goner." said Charlotte.

Julie: That's impossible...

"What are you..?" Those are the words that escaped from Julie's mouth.

Charlotte sat down once again.

"I'm what they call a corrupted entity." Said Charlotte.

"A corrupted entity...?" Julie asked.

"Yes, a corrupted entity. We were once lab rats from a very known organization that lies between dimensions. Me, Kai, and Ace are one of those lab rats. We were experimented for about a year, making us into weapons that can rule over the battlefield. But one day, we were glad that were saved by an unknown soldiers, but because of them, we were separated from each other. I'm just following the leader so I can look for Ace, but unfortunately we were also forced to fight." Said Charlotte.

"Why are you telling me all this." Said Julie.

"Because I know that you all did something from Ace. And I want the old Ace back." Charlotte replied.

Julie grabbed something in her pocket. It was a blue crystal.

Julie stomped the crystal to crack, and when it did, Julie's battle axe came out.

"Julie, what're you doing?!" Ash yelled.

Julie grabbed the axe and aimed it at Charlotte.

"We didn't do anything to Ace. I don't know what he's connection with you or what happened to both of you in the past, but what pissed me the most is how you're treating Ace like some sort of object." Said Julie.

Julie flowed her magic into the axe and she began to changed into her divine tiger mode.

"Prepare yourself!" Said Julie.

Julie dashed towards Charlotte, and swung the axe at her. Charlotte barely managed to dodged her attack.

Charlotte: She's fast..!

Charlotte moved away from Julie.

"That was close, good thing I activated my physical strength. Not bad." Said Charlotte.

Julie gripped the axe hard, and she makes a offensive stance.

Charlotte put her guards up.

Julie threw the axe at her with great power and speed. Charlotte bends down to avoid it, but when she stands up, Julie was already about to punch her in point blank range.

Julie manages to hit Charlotte at full force, blowing her away to the other building.

"Julie...." said Ash as he witness her daughter's fight.

The axe flew back around, and Julie manages to grab it.

Charlotte got back up and jump towards Julie, also trying to punch her, but Julie manages to deflect all of it with her axe.

She grabbed Charlotte's arm and slammed her down.

Charlotte hasn't moved an inch from where she lies.

Julie began to cough out blood.

"Stop it Julie! Even if you manage to outrank her in battle, your power is devouring your life! Stop it while you still can!" Ash yelled.

Julie: Shit... the more I use it, the faster it eats my life force...

"Is that so?" said Charlotte as she appears behind Julie.

Charlotte pinned her down.

"I gave both of you a chance to give up, and yet you still struggle to fight me. So your magic is strong, yet it eats away your life force eh. Although I can only use my ability once a day." Said Charlotte.

"Stop it!" Ash yelled as he tries to stand up, but he was to exhausted to do so.

"You're going to use your magic to your full extent." Said Charlotte.

All of the sudden, Julie released her magic's full potential.

"JULIE!!" Ash shouts as he saw her daughter having her life force taken away slowly.

"My ability, is Wish. Whatever I wished is being granted, but the only side effect is that I can't use it for 24 hours again." said Charlotte.

Julie cries in pain.

"Somebody! Help my daughter!!" Ash yelled.

All of the sudden, someone dashed at Charlotte with tremendous speed, and dragged her far away from Julie.

Miraculously, Julie stopped on releasing her power even further.

Ash was actually glad that her daughter is safe.

"She passed out from that. Who was that anyway?" said Ash.


At the suburban area, where Charlotte was dragged...

The person puts down Charlotte gently, who passed out from that speed.

"Brainwash huh" said the person.

He then looked at the direction where the leaders are fighting.

To be continued...

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