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At the lower floors...

Gretel is blending in with the crowd while searching where the princess is hidden.

She went down at the basement floor unnoticed.

At the entrance below, there are two guards near a locked door.

Gretel took out a pill and ate it. After that, she turned invisible.

She dashed behind the guards and she knocked both of them out by kicking them behind their head.

The effect of the pill wore off just in time.

"Now let's see if she is here" said Gretel as she transforms her finger into a key to unlock the door.

When she unlocked it, the room was dark.

She looked for a light source near the entrance, and she pushed a button. The whole room lit up and she was surprised to see that at the end of the room she saw Arturia chained up in the wall.

Gretel was glad that she was unharmed.

"Arturia! Wake up!" Said Gretel as she tries to shake her awake.

Arturia slowly opened her eyes.

"W-Where am I?" She asked.

Gretel was relieved that she is finally awake.

"I thought I lost you" said Gretel as she hugged her tightly.

Gretel: I owe her a lot... because she is my best friend...

3 weeks ago...

"Starting today, you are going to have a real mission" said Azumi.

Gretel nodded in response.

"Unfortunately, an unknown island came out of knowhere in the middle of the sea, and at the same time, the royal family reported here at headquarters that something is wrong with the princess, so they want someone from the council to protect the princess at that time. But, all of the council members are busy, and Ace and the others are not here dude to their vacation at another country. So I want you to accept this quest on protecting/escorting the princess at all cost. Understood?" Said Azumi.

"Understood" she replied.


Gretel arrived at the castle.

"I'm Gretel. Nice to meet you" said Gretel to the royal family.

"I see I see. So you're the one who is assigned to escort my daughter" said the King.

Gretel just nodded in response.


She then begun her escorting duties by following where the princess go.

The princess then visits their garden.

Gretel just stood behind her as she looks at the pretty flowers.

"Say, what do you think of these flowers?" She asked.

"They're red." Gretel replied.

Arturia laughed at her reply.

"I like your personality. You are mysterious yet so fun to be with" said Arturia.

"I'll take that as a compliment" Gretel replied.

As time goes by, Arturia and Gretel's friendship grew stronger.

Whenever Arturia goes, Gretel follows. But Arturia didn't treat Gretel as an escort, but a friend that is always there by your side.

Both of them are looking at the balcony of the castle as they watch the sun set.

"Hey, it's been a week. Time sure goes by fast" said Arturia.

"It sure is. It's been fun" said Gretel.

"It's been bugging me lately" said Arturia.

"What is?" Gretel asked.

"Is Fate really a cruel thing" Said Arturia.

Gretel laughed at her answer.

"Fate has its ways. But in the end it all ends in either a happy or sad way' That's what my dad always said to us when we were little. The fact that we met are already the work of fate" said Gretel.

"Is that so?" Said Arturia.

"Yes it is" Gretel replied.

"One last question" said Arturia.

Gretel sighed.

"What is it again?" She asked.

"Will our lives lead to a happy or sad ending?" Arturia asked.

"That's what fate decides." She replied.

"I wonder if I... can change my fate" Arturia asked.

All of the sudden, Arturia collapsed. Gretel quickly helped her to her room and gave her medicinal pills.

Hours later, Arturia is still asleep.

"Your highness, what is going on with her? This is tge 3rd time she collapsed" said Gretel.

"Looks like you need to know what is actually going on" said the King.

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