4 versus 4

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Hansel and the others are still at the stands.

"Only an hour left 'till the fireworks show starts" said Ezra.

"Ace isn't back yet though" said Max.

"What's keeping him?" Said Ezra.

"I'll go look for him" said Hansel

He then looked for Ace at the crowd.

Hansel: Sheesh, where is that guy.

As Hansel walks through the crowd, a mysterious figure passed beside him.

"He's in the forest, hurry before he got himself killed" said the mysterious person.

Hansel looked who it was, but it was already gone.

"What was that?" Said Hansel.


Ace is attacking all of the monsters in sight.

"This is getting out of nowhere, attacking merely minions ain't gonna defeat me. Why don't you all just come at once" said Ace.

"Why you little---" said one of the enemy when the "leader" stopped him.

"Fine then, I'll be your opponent" said one of the enemy.

Ace clenched his fist.

"You must be the leader. Alright then, Come on!" Said Ace.

"Make sure you can back all of what you just said." He replied.

Ace charged towards him.

"100% power activate!" Said Ace.

"Not bad, but..."

The enemy's energy grew even stronger than Ace's.

"Wha--?!" Ace.

Both of their fist clashed and Ace was completely overwhelmed.

Ace got blown away through the trees.

"What's wrong? I thought you can handle it?" Said the enemy leader.

Ace was exhausted and was down.

Ace: I-Impossible... his power is way stronger. But, for some reason.. that attack clash earlier.. it feels like I was looking at a mirror.

The monsters suddenly spawned near Ace, and was about to attack him.

"Air magic: Wind slicers!" Said Max.

Invisible air blades killed the monsters that was gonna attack Ace.

"Hmm... so they are all here now huh" said the enemy leader.

Hansel and Ezra helped Ace to get back up.

"Are you alright, Ace?!" Ezra asked.

"Y-Yes, somehow..." Ace replied.

"That was really reckless of you" saod Hansel.

"So, Ace. Who are these weirdos with weird magic?" Said Max.

"I don't know, but they are the ones who were spying on us and was the one responsible for attacking the city" said Ace.

"So they're enemies and also a peeping tom huh" said Max.

"We're not peeping!!" Enemies in chibi.

"Ahem... anyway, now that you are all here, it's time we get down to business now shall we" said the enemy leader.

The two enemies grabbed Max and Hansel and dragged them further through the forest.

"Max, Hansel!!" Ace yelled.

The girl enemy used her demons to grab Ezra and took her to the mountainside.

"Ezra!" Ace yelled.

"Ace!!" Ezra yelled as she was being dragged by monsters.

Ace tried to chase them, but he used too much energy that he is still exhausted.

"Hey, Hey, the fight is still on, Ace" said the enemy leader.

Ace: Damn it!

To be continued...

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