Ace vs Vetras

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Ace and Vetras has finally come into a showdown.

Vetras user his magic to create two big walls besides Ace.

He commanded the walls to crush Ace.

Ace with his Buster Form activated, his reflexes is now 2x faster, and he quickly evaded the attack.

As he backs away for a bit, Vetras created a small trap on Ace's left foot, which immobilized him.

"Shit!" Said Ace.

Vetras charged at him with his fist turning into stone.

But this time, Vetras got a big boost from his own magic by turning the floor into a catapult, and him the one being thrown.

Ace quickly put his guards up and he also throw a punch to counter Vetras' attack.

Both of their fists collide which made a strong impact on  the surrounding areas.

Both of them are giving their all in their fists.


Meanwhile, Gretel is still fighting the ones on the upper floor with everything she got.

"You are one tough roach to kill" said Galahad as he reloads his gun.

Gretel tries to catch her breath as she hides behind a boulder.

Gretel: I don't know how long can I keep this up. I'm starting to lose conciousness, not to mention I can feel my magical energy depleting...

All of the sudden a bullet bounced from the wall and it hit her directly in her stomach region.

Gretel was in great pain.

"Bounce Bullet, a bullet that can bounce off to anything except the on target. Too bad it wasn't an explosion bullet like last time. Though I put some drug in that bullet. Unless you take it out within 3 seconds, you'll be paralyzed as long as the bullet is in your body" said Galahad.

Out of knowhere, Gretel rolled on the ground and her transformed gun arm manages to shoot Galahad in surprise, successfully scrathing his left ear.

"How come can you move?!" Said Galahad.

When Gretel stood up, the area where the bullet hit her is bleeding badly.

"Don't tell me..! She immediately took it out as soon as she was shot" said Galahad as he points his gun back on her.

Gretel manages to hide once again on another large debris.

"This woman is pissing me off!" Said Galahad as he changes gun once again.

All of the sudden, they felt the fortress shaking.

"What the--!" Said Galahad.


Below them, Ace and Vetras are still battling it out.

Ace wrapped his arms in an unknown energy, and manages to crack Vetras' stone fist.

Whatever tricks Vetras do on Ace, he still manages to destroy every trap and dodge every projectile with great comcentration.

Another rage fills up Vetras and this time, his movements suddely matched Ace.

And manages to land a blow on him.

"Bastard, He's still have that much energy in him" said Ace.

To be continued...

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