Ezra vs Chrono

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Ezra has finally reached the 2nd level of her magic.

"A magic that can summon weapons, and now, a magic that turns everything into weapons. Interesting..." said Chrono.

Ezra charged straight at him and tries to slice him with her blade.

Chrono immediately dodged her attacks swiftly, and tries to counter with a punch.

Ezra transformed her right arm into a shield and was able to deflect Chrono's attack.

"Not bad, but..." said Chrono as he charged up his fist.

He suddenly teleported behind her and manages to land a blow, knocking her away.

Ezra tries to stand up and remain on focus.

She touched the ground and poured her magic to it.

Chrono dashed away. The ordinary pebbles on the ground became large steel spikes.

"That was close" said Chrono.

All of the sudden, Ezra was already behind him.

She then, turns her left hand into a iron hammer, and she successfully land a blow on Chrono, blowing him away this time.

He was blown away at one of the spikes, and was injured on his right shoulder.

Ezra tries to land tye finishing blow on Chrono, but her magic was suddenly drained.

Ezra: I-Impossible... I almost had him...

She was immobilized.

Chrono laughed while removing the steel spike on his shoulder.

"I knew that you'll run out of magic immediately. Especially that it's your first time on using advance magic" said Chrono.

Chrono grabbed her and kicked her hard.

Ezra was injured and was in pain.

She tries to crawl away from him.

Ezra: H-He's a monster...

Chrono slowly approaches her with killing intent.

"Damn it, it wasn't suppose to be like this." Said Ezra.



Max is battling two of the enemy.

"This guys are a pain" said Max as he tries to attack them but all of his attacks re quickly evaded.

And Hansel is battling against the girl whose magic is summoning monsters.

"How long can you last" said the girl.

"Don't rush me" said Hansel.


Ezra is starting to lose concious.

"What did you say earlier? That you're going to take me down? *laughs* That is stupid. You wanna know why?" said Chrono.

He grabber Ezra's head.

"Because I'm the one who killed my doppleganger, who's considered to be strong around here" said Chrono.

"You don't mean...!" Said Ezra.

"Yes, that's right. Although I don't resemble him, I'm still Ace's doppleganger,or you could say, a clone." said Chrono.

All of the sudden, an axe came out of knowhere and was heading towards Chrono.

He immediately dodged and stepped away.

The axe turns around and went back to the same direction it came from.

They suddenly heard marching noises.


"What's that" said Max as he seize his attacks.

"Is that...!" Said Hansel.

A hundred council soldiers were going towards them.

"They sure are late" said Hansel.


"Council soldiers... then that means a council member is present. I'm trying to keep a low profile, but, I guess fighting my way through is the best option." said Chrono.

The soldiers stopped marching and created a space in the middle line.

Slowly, someone is walking from the middle.

"Worry not, for the 2nd seat of the council is here to purge those evil beings" said the person..

"Wait... is that..." said Hansel.

"N-No way...!" Said Max.


Ezra couldn't believe it either.

"Julie is now the 2nd seat of the council..!?" Said Ezra.

To be continued...

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