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Ace and Gretel head straight towards the flying fortress with full speed.

All of the sudden, their crystal communicator activated.

"Can you hear me, both of you" said Hansel from the communicator.

"Hansel? What is it? Can't you see that we're on a mission" said Ace.

"Gretel, stop" said Hansel.

Gretel suddenly stopped.

"What are you stopping for?! We got to save her, we promised the queen! " said Ace.

"Calm down and Shut up!" said Hansel.

Ace stopped and calmed down.

"What is it you want to say, brother?" Gretel asked.

"What you are about to do is not attacking the fortress, but rather you both are about to be killed" said Hansel.

Ace suddenly noticed that the fortress is being protected by an invicible forcefield.

"We could've been eradicated..." said Ace.

"Good, you've finally calmed down. Listen both of you, you are about to infiltrate that fortress with no backup. All of the council members and the others are currently busy. I heard what happened to the queen, and what's going on. For now, we should look who's behind all of this and at the same time, save the princess. Understood? " said Hansel.

"Understood" said Ace and Gretel.

"Promise me Ace, you'll never let anything happen to Gretel" said Hansel as he cuts off the communication.

"Got it" said Ace.


"Looks like they haven't noticed us yet." said Ace.

"How are we going to enter the fortress if there is a forcefield around it?" She asked.

Ace suddenly thought of something.

He grabbed the badge he got from Swift and all of the sudden, it lit up and the forcefield opens a path for them.

"So this badge is our way in" said Ace.

Gretel immediately went to the rearof the fortress and quickly transformed back to her original self.

"Good thing, there are nobody here to see us" said Ace.

One of the door opened suddenly, and there a drunken man with a booze in his hand.

Ace and Gretel sneaked inside.

And there, more than a thousand of men and women are there, and at the ceiling, the logo on the badge is there.

"I knew it, they are bounty hunters" said Gretel.

"Anyway, where could they have put Arturia to" said Ace.


All of the sudden, a man in the front stepped up the stage.

"Well my friends, looks like we will have the reward which will make each and one of us rich in our wildest dreams. And what did it cost? To be the most wanted fugitives of the country" said the person.

"All hail Lord Vetras!" said one of the men.

"All hail Lord Vetras!!" the others shouted.

Gretel and Ace head outside and tried to contact Hansel once again, but sadly, they can't.

"The signal is jammed. It must be the forcefield" said Gretel.

"Looks like we got to deal with this matter ours--" Ace stopped he pulled Gretel and hid both of them.

"What's wrong?" Gretel asked.

"No way" said Ace.

The same person who attacked him on the both is also on board.

To be continued....

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