Dark Visions

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"Once this is over, I'll take the year off and spend the time with you as a father" said Ash.

"Dad..." Julie.

And all of the sudden, a bright light engulfed everything.

And when it disappeared, she saw her dad was dead along with the enemy.

Julie woke up and it was finally morning.

Julie can't help but feel sad.

It has been days since their last battle against Caesar. The funeral was held a yesterday for the loss of one of the council members.


Ace on the other hand is at the fields, thinking about what Shade and Rogue said a few days ago.

"There you are" said Max as he approaches Ace.

"Is there something bothering you?".

"Not at all. If there someone who is bothered, that's gotta be Julie" said Ace.

"I know. A lost of a parent is a huge loss for a child." Said Max as he sat down.

All of the sudden, at the distance, they saw Hansel running towards them.

"Hey! Check this out!" He yelled as he ran.


He showed Ace and Max a letter.

"A letter?" Max.

Ace grabbed the letter and looked at the contents inside.

"It was given to us by the grandmaster. She also said that we should take a break from all of this" said Hansel.

"So Ace, what does it say?" Max asked.

"It says that we'll take a trip to another country" Ace.

"And? Anything else?"

"That's about it" said Ace as he puts back the letter inside the envelope.

"I'll go tell the others too" said Hansel.

He then left and ran to where the others are.

"What about Julie?" Said Max.

"I'll go and tell her" said Ace.

Ace went to Julie's dormitory to tell her about the vacation.

"Julie, you in there?" Says Ace as he knocks.

Julie slowly opened the door.

"What is it?" She asked.

"I was wondering if you want to join me and the others on a vacation booked by the grandmaster" said Ace.

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't" said Julie as she shut the door close.

Ace has no choice but to give her some space. The shock from her father's death is still haunting her.

All of the sudden, everything was pitch black.

"What's going on?! Ace.

"I'll wait for you, Ace" an unknown voice whispering to Ace.

"Who are you?! And what are you talking about?!"

"You'll see, once you get to Trisphode"

Ace looked behind him and a dark entity was there.

"Ace! Wake up!" Said Julie as she tries to wake Ace.

"What? What happened?" Ace asked.

"You suddenly collapsed here on the floor, are you sure you're alright?" Julie.

"I-I'm fine." Ace replied.

Ace: What was that all about?

To be continued...

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