06. what's crippling in the dark

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I rushed out of the bar with the speed of a lightning, cursing myself for not bringing a car or calling a driver earlier. I didn't know what was going on with (Y/N) currently and that only made the situation worse. Seeing how short her texts were, I could only tell that whoever "he" was, he was somewhere close to her and she obviously couldn't hide from him properly. I could only hope, that she wasn't wounded too badly.

I called her on the phone once I was outside, feeling how the warm dizziness of the alcohol, I drank before, was already gone completely because of the adrenaline.

"Please, pick up the phone..." I muttered quietly

Luckily, I didn't have to wait for a long time. (Y/N) picked up the phone after just 3 beeps, making my heart skip a beat when I heard her voice.

"D-Dazai..." She whispered very quietly, barely hearable, as her voice was cracking

There were no doubts that she was crying as well as panicking and, probably, trembling from fear.

"(Y/N), where are you? What's going on?" I asked her "Tell me where are you and I'll come-"

"Dazai...h-he's close..." She whispered again "I-I'm hiding in my closet, but I don't know how much more I can hide here...H-He came home drunk as hell...and he had a gun with him, but I have no idea where he got it, nor that it even matters... I accidentally dropped the plate while cooking and he became furious...D-Dazai, I think that he was having an anger outbreak again and he seemed to be under the effect of some drugs...I-I'm so scared, Dazai..."

"(Y/N), shhh calm down." I told her "Just tell me the address, alright? He's not going to harm you, I promise. Just tell me where are you."

(Y/N) stayed silent for a while and in a couple of seconds, I got a message from her with the address and without wasting any more time, I rushed to where she was. This place wasn't very far from the bar, I just came out of.

"Dazai, please, come sooner..." She begged me

"I'm on my way, (Y/N)." I assured her "Just stay on the phone with me."

She mumbled a quiet "alright", before getting silent again, but I didn't ask her anything else. I found out everything I had to know and I knew, that her mom's "boyfriend", Hamada Yoshinori, could hear her. Yes, (Y/N) didn't tell me herself that it was him, but only an idiot wouldn't understand that she was talking about him.

I reached her place in about 15 minutes, if not less. This wasn't a luxurious home or anything like that. It was an ordinary small house, just as all others on the street. For a second, I thought, that she doesn't deserve to live in such a bad and dangerous neighborhood, with these people surrounding her. (Y/N) didn't do anything to deserve this kind of life.

However, I didn't have any time to think about it. I rushed to her house, pushing the door forcefully with my foot to open it, as I quickly took out my gun from the hostler. I could her some shoutings from the further rooms, but once I entered, all loud noises stopped. I passed the corridor and the living room, eventually entering what I supposed was (Y/N)'s bedroom.

Hamanda was standing in the middle of the room, holding a gun in his hand. He was obviously drunk since he couldn't even stand properly, but it didn't make the situation easier. Moreover, his drunkenness only made everything worse because he couldn't properly control his movements. Looking at his eyes, I could also tell that he was under the effect of some kind of drugs.

He wasn't very tall. He was about 160-165 cm tall and approximately 30-34 years old. He had short messy brown hair, insane black eyes and a beard. He also had quite a lot of grey hair, despite his age and lots of wrinkles.

For some reason, he reminded me of a...toad.

"Who the hell are you?!" He yelled at me "(Y/N), you little bitch, is this your friend?! Did you bring a friend to help you?!"

I looked around, when I finally noticed her.

(Y/N) was sitting in the corner between her desk and her bed. She had a big cut on her right cheek under her bruise, that was already there last time we met. She was trembling even more, than I thought she would. It seems like Hamada found her and dragged her out of the closet by her hair (because it was very messy) and punched her, which could be why she fell in that corner.

Our gazes met and I tried to tell her with my eyes: "Everything will be alright. I'm here now."

"Look, I'm not in the mood to deal with you right now." I finally answered him

"Boy, how dare you talk to me so disrespectfully?!" Hamada yelled again, pointing his gun at me

"It's getting annoying." I sighed, hiding my left arm in my pocket, holding one little thing tightly in my palm.

"You're playing on my nerves!" He shouted again and pointed his gun at me

He shot, but of course, he didn't aim properly and I didn't even have to move to not get shot by the bullet. Without letting Hamada react,  I rushed to him, hitting his arm so that he dropped the gun and I turned him around with his back, facing me. I took out my left hand of my pocket with a small syringe with strong tranquilizer in it as I made Hamada an injection in his arm.

It didn't take much time until Hamada fell asleep and collapsed on the floor.

"It's over." I said

Instantly, (Y/N) got up and ran to me, hugging me as tightly as she possibly could.

I was taken off the guard. Hugs weren't something common to me to say at least. But now, I was confused and I didn't really know how to react. Could I hug her in return? Or did I just have to wait for her to pull back herself? I really didn't know...

"Thank you..." She whispered "I thought, that he was going to kill me..."

"It's nothing, (Y/N)." I replied, unsurely placing my hands on her waist "I simply made him a small injection."

"Why did you have this syringe with you, by the way?" She asked, hugging me tighter

"Because...this medicine is the only thing, that helps me when my panic attack is not stopping." I explained "But with the mix of alcohol and drugs in his blood, it gave such an effect. But it's not that important. What's more important is what shall we do with him? He's not going to be asleep forever."

"I can't think about it now." She said "Not in this state..."

"I think, I know what will help you calm down." I told her

"I don't mind anything as long as I can hug you like this..." She whispered

"Alright then." I nodded, finally letting myself hug her properly "I'll include hugs in the plans."

(Y/N) smiled against my chest softly as I felt herself relaxing, while I was simply enjoying her warmth.

That was the first time when I felt a will to protect (Y/N) from Hamada, pain, suffering and even, the world itself.


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