Chapter 4

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(Author's Notes: MERRY CHRISTMAS!)

Previously on The Southside Girl...


"GET AWAY FROM HER!!" I scream as I push Ryan away from Melissa.

"There's a slim chance she's not going to make it, she lost a lot of blood and she's been in and out of consciousness." The doctor said.


The monitors started to beep, and not at the pace they were before. I shot up and ran over to the bed as doctors were trying to pull me away.


Fangs walked out of the bathroom and grinned.

"You look, stunning." He said.

I smiled, "Why, thank you." I said.

Fangs smiled, he put his arms around my shoulders and leaned in. He kissed my lips. I jump into Fang's arms and we continued to kiss.

He walks backward and hit his head on the bathroom door. I laughed between kissing him. Fangs kicked the door shut with the back of his foot.


"Are you by any chance Jay's father, like her biological father?" Jughead asks.

"What? N-No, I'm not." FP replies.


"Hey Serpent Princess, long time no see," Malachai said.

He walked up to me and gave me a kiss on my lips. His lips tasted like alcohol. Something I didn't like that much.

Malachai inches towards me, "Come on, tell me, Princess. I won't tell." He said.

I crossed my arms against my chest. "I don't trust you. Not since we've broken up." I said.

Malachai's face softens. Like he's been hurt, or his walls were brought down by someone. "Look, I'm sorry that I've broken your heart a while ago, or whenever it was. I was in a bad place and since your aunt was a Ghoulie. She intimidated me, told me that I should promise not to pull you into this. But after all those late nights runs, drag racing, selling and doing Jingle Jangle. I thought it was the best thing to do. I see that it was the best thing I've done for you. Now please, Jay, tell me. If you're in trouble, I'll help you out. I'll make sure that FP never finds out." He said.


"You'd need proof to make an accusation like that stick. Like the video, I have of you and your pal making that delivery for me. What do you think of that?" Penny said.

"I think that an attack against me, or my father, or your supposed daughter, Jayden. Is an attack against all the Serpents. And not even some fuzzy surveillance footage of me delivering a crate is going to stop us from coming for you." I said as I went to get up but Penny grabbed my hand. "Sit down, Serpent prince. I'm not finished." She said and I sat back down."I have a big debt to pay off with your father, actually, eleven years of debt. I didn't want to tell you first. Since I told Malachai that I would meet Jayden at The House Of The Dead whenever is possible. But-" She pauses and pulls out documents from her jacket.

She dug her hand into her pocket and got out a couple of pictures, laid them across the table.

"On October 31st, 2001. Jayden was born. When she was six, I was in a bad place in my life. I was a Serpent but got kicked out. So I started selling drugs. I knew that I didn't want my own daughter to follow in my footsteps. So I hired two adults. Liliana Annabelle and Harold Rowan. To take my place and somehow brainwash her into thinking that they are her parents. I thought I did something good. Until her Aunt died. Melissa Annabelle is not my sister, but I didn't want to take that away from Jay, so I let think that it's her aunt. It's a big and messy situation. What I'm trying to say is your dad, FP Jones II. He cheated on your mom with me. I didn't tell him about Jay because he was going to find out sooner than later. Plus, when I saw Jayden, Jellybean, and you together. I didn't want to ruin anything. Jayden Fay Rowan is my daughter and your father is her father too." Penny finishes.

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