Through The Skull

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I was awfully confused on why she was so in love with fancy food, but she loved it! She gobbled it all down like a pig, but not a gross pig, a super cute newborn pig that had those sparkling eyes and cute grins. I loved how I had to wipe her mouth clean for her and how we simply fell in love more and more as days passed, we were growing up rapidly, and it scared me slightly. No child could fall in love like we have, we weren't even children, we were adults who got through uni and passed with high grades through all tests we ever took, our future was a bright road with never-ending rainbows craning over it.

However, before we left to go to the restaurant, we were encountered by what was the strangest thing; my business workers showed up at our doorstep and asked about my mother. There were three of them, dressed in long black robes and their faces and heads were covered by their dark hoods, anonymously. I had no idea what they were doing here.

"Do you have any information on Sharon Needles?" One asked with a deep sinister voice. I swallowed, holding my lover's hand tightly in mine. 

"I thought I sent out a message to the company a couple of weeks ago? About her death?" I said with slight hand gestures, showing my clear intimidation. 

"Death?" One said in shock. "Mrs Needles is dead!?" 

"Yes! my mother is dead! It was--" I swallowed, and faked my sadness, I needed them to leave, I can't tell or give away that it was me who killed her. "Horrible! No one knows how it happened, we believe it was a suicide." I gulped. There was a moment of silence before we heard a deep hum.

"Right, I am sorry for your loss. You are our new leader?" The centre one asked. 


"Well, we will suspect that you will come to our meetings daily?" Another spoke. I nodded slowly, feeling a wave of stress and fear run through me. "And who is this girl?" 

"She's my girlfriend," I smiled happily and pet her hand. She smiled up at me with reddened cheeks.

"Your partner?"


"I suppose she will not be wanted as a sacrifice?" One of them stepped closer, but I instantly shielded her with my arm.


"Do you not know? Our 'business' isn't really a business, it is an ancient cult that makes sacrifices, so if you want to be our leader I suggest finding one today, you are severely late, we just assumed your mother was planning something big. But now we heard she has passed, we expect big things from you." They all stepped back in sync, turning away and walking off into nowhere. I felt my breathing hitch.

"I thought it was just a hunting company!" I cried and hugged Cracker tightly.

"It's okay, why don't you find an animal sacrifice?" She pulled away and held my hand.

"Yeah! I'll buy a dog or something, hopefully, that will get them off my back." I exhaled and felt relieved. I was a mess without Cracker's reassurance.


Once we left the restaurant, we made the horrific mistake of walking down the shortcut, an old alleyway that reeked of rotting rats and spraypaint. Cracker was hypnotised by the wall art, but I was struck in horror by how neglected this place was, how many people must have been killed, or worse-

"Oh look what we have here." 

We both stopped in our tracks, I turned my head around and saw her. Kameron.

"Fuck," I hissed under my breath and stood in front of Cracker, keeping hold of her hand.

"yeah, fuck..." She snarled and strutted up to us, her muscular arms were too intimidating, I wanted to run, but showing weakness was something I dreaded doing. I felt Cracker's hands hold onto me for dear life, I didn't know what Kameron was planning on doing, but if she dared hurt Miz, she will face heavy punishment. "You have a rat clinging to you," Kameron pointed to Cracker, which made my heart fall down to my gut. I glared coldly.

"How did you find us?"

"Easy? I saw you driving that stupid car of yours down the main road, I followed." Kameron stepped closer, but I didn't fear her, I forced myself to stay strong.

"At least I can afford a good car." I snapped. She laughed.

"Only because of that dumb business your mom runs!" Kameron pushed me, making Cracker fall to the floor, but I remained on my feet.

"Miz!" I gasped and I felt Kameron's strong arms push me down and plunge on top of Cracker. She yelled out in agony at the sudden impact.  "FUCK YOU!" I screamed at Kam, who placed her boot on my back, pushing me down, making Cracker feel even more pain.  I couldn't stand up. "Cracker, oh gosh!" I hugged her tightly, hearing her little cries in my ear, they were so defined and I felt the pain as well, it was evil. "Cracker, try and shuffle out from under me!" I used all my strength to lift myself up, but the heel from Kam's boot almost broke my spine, it protested against me, and I felt myself tear up. Cracker quickly shuffled out, standing to her feet, luckily, this distracted Kameron; her boot lifted from my back and I stood to my feet as well, shoving her away. "EVIL!" I spat. She laughed.

"How!?" She opened her arms and turned her head slightly. I saw a dark figure emerge from the shadows behind her, and before I could warn her, a huge metallic knife was plunged through the back of her skull, exiting from the gap between her eyes. Blood gushed out, seeping into her mouth and staining what was once a beautiful face. I screamed and immediately fell back into Cracker's arms. I heard her heavy breathing in my hair, the caressing movements of her arms desperately trying to calm me down. 

"Oh my god!" I shrieked into her neck. 

"Aquaria Needles." I heard a deep voice echo to me. The sound of Kameron's body collapsing to the floor made my stomach churn. I slowly turned around, ever so grateful Miz never removed her loving embrace from around me. It was one of the men in cloaks. "This is the sacrifice? A petty teenage girl?" He leaned down and ran his grey wrinkled fingers along the knife wound, a pool of blood forever staining the floor.

"What the fuck are you talking about," I hissed, making him sigh in an annoyed tone.

"You said you would give us a sacrifice, and we assumed this was it?"

"No! I am still thinking and planning on getting one! Oh my god you murdered her!" I cried and fell to my knees. He laughed.

"Murder is killing for no reason, she died for a great cause! This can be the sacrifice for now." He picked up her body, a river of blood pouring from her skull and dripping onto the dirty black concrete. I turned my head with bared teeth, Cracker's glittery eyes looked up at me for some sort of hope, as if she was begging me to erase that image from her innocent mind. He was gone instantly, and we were left alone; but I never felt alone, I could feel her soul screaming in my ear, her soul will forever haunt this place, always trapped and there was nothing we could do to help her. And the worst part is, she died hated.

✩☠ Neurological Static | Miz Cracker X Aquaria | AU ☠✩Where stories live. Discover now