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WARNING: Mild Smut (I might stop putting warnings here because i will have them in the bio instead in future books, it kinda ruins the story and structure)


Everything was blurred, but I knew what was happening, I was being firmly placed on a bed, I didn't know where the bed was and where I was, but I could care less; Aquaria was hovering over me, a big smile on her pretty face. I was very drunk.

"Oh you look so hot-" She gasped and nipped at my ear, making me smile and slur out an 'I love you'. Her hands touched me all over, often planting kisses on my lips and down my neck. "I wanna make love to you all night," She whined and stuck out her tongue slightly, launching another kiss onto both of us.

"Aquaria-" I blurted out, grasping the long strands of her hair and forcing her face closer to mine, only to have her tongue lick over my lips. "Gross-" I giggled and she giggled too. "Oh-- I wanna fuck you,"

"Well you can't, you don't have a dick." She teased and cupped my jaw, gasping so suddenly. "Oh but I'd love that,"

"Please," I dragged my words, slowly unzipping my dress from behind.

"But you can't, baby girl." She assisted and I pulled it down my legs and pushed it with my feet onto the floor. Aquaria simply gazed with a plastered evil grin on her face. She kept her dress on, and nothing could change how gorgeous she looked in that white fabric.

"You look like an angel," I slurred and chuckled weakly, my vision was slightly blurred as my eyes crossed hazily, and it only made the 'angel' comment become a reality; she looked as if she was glowing a gorgeous white.

"And you're my angel wife," I felt her delicate lips press against mine, and soon, she began to caress my chest, sliding her hand around to unhook my white lace bra. She pulled away, capturing my bottom lip between her teeth, before letting go and giggling. "I can't describe how much I love you, Miz. Fucking you isn't enough," She silenced my future reply with another kiss, but she pulled away so fast. "You deserve so much more,"

"Mmm, just you is enough for me," I blurred, her hands grasped my chest and I let out a mix of a laugh and a moan.

"You're an idiot," She chuckled warmly against my cheek. I dug my nails into her shoulderblade and made her whimper, "Ah-!" She let out a girly cry.

"Exactly, don't say anything you'll regret-" I purred, teasing her lips with mine.

"You're teasing-"

"Yeah, and you seem to love it," I gasped and bit my lip, the sensation of her fingers around my chest was driving me deeper into this drunken feeling. "Oh-- A-Aquaria-- I hear someone!"

"Baby don't worry, they won't come in," She lowered her head down to meet my chest and her mouth bit and kissed every part she desired.

"Mm--maybe we can have a party of three?" I giggled and felt her straddle me, she pulled all her hair to one shoulder and smirked.

"Oh, I'd love that," She laughed under her breath and bit at her plump bottom lip-- but the sound of the door opening immediately tore her from my chest. I yelled and covered myself, hiding my face.

"Oh gosh, my apologies!" My mother's distressed voice made my heart ache in absolute embarrassment, however, I was drunk, so everything seemed so different: my surroundings, my voice, everyone, it put me in a box almost. "I-I needed my-"

"OH MY GOSH BOB!" Aquaria screamed with fury, climbing off me, revealing my bare body to the cold air. I covered myself further.

"I'm sorry! Here, I'll close the door-"

✩☠ Neurological Static | Miz Cracker X Aquaria | AU ☠✩Where stories live. Discover now