Another Issue

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I secretly didn't fall asleep, well it sounds rude and cruel if I say it like that but I didn't just so if she begins to panic or fall into darkness I will be there to pull her out and wake her up. I forced myself to stay awake, for as long as I could, just so I can be there, I can't risk her suffering again. I watched her resting face that was so lost in peace, her arms loosened around mine, but I still had mine tightly laced around her. I heard gentle footsteps begin to form outside my door, and I frowned. I shuffled away from her and placed a kiss on her head.

"I'll be back soon baby," I whispered almost barely as words into her ear, before shuffling out of bed and standing up. I grabbed my bottoms and pulled them up with struggle, almost falling over, but I overcome it and I walked over to the door and opened it. I sighed and saw Thorgy just outside her door, eating something which I couldn't recognise in the faint darkness. I closed my door slowly and folded my arms.

"Oh sorry biscuit! Did I wake you?" She swallowed and walked up to me. I giggled and hugged her.

"No, I was just confused who was out here. A-Aquaria is asleep though, b-but-" I inhaled her scent and she hummed pitifully.

"What's wrong?" She spoke with her mouth full.

"Aquaria had another nightmare, and I'm so worried for her." I bit my lip and looked up at her soft expression, her brows furrowed and her mouth falling into a slanted frown.

"Oh, that's awful." She said with her mouth still full. I smiled and covered my grin. "Would you like to come downstairs and talk? I can't really sleep, I've been eating all your mother's fruit snacks and I need a distraction! She'll beat me!" Thorgy chuckled and I thought about leaving Aquaria; what if she had another nightmare? And I wouldn't be there for her? But I also thought about leaving my mom alone, no one to talk to down there. I didn't want either.

"I don't know. I want to talk with you but I don't want to leave Aquaria by herself... If she has another nightmare I won't be there-a-and-" I gasped and covered my face.

"Oh biscuit, no, don't worry, I don't mind if you want to care for her." She cupped my cheeks and wiped my eyes of the tears that gathered.

"N-No, I-I want to talk with you, I think she is gonna be okay, I know she is." I gulped and she nodded, maintaining her saddened expression, a pitiful one. 

"Okay, let's go." She smiled and we held hands, walking down the stairs. It was a struggle as she was far taller than I was, but I didn't want to let go, I wanted to take my mind off all this.

I skipped over to the sofa and sat down, kicking my legs and holding my hands in a cup in between my legs. Thorgy followed and closed the door, still munching on her fruit snacks. I leaned over and quickly turned on the lamp by the side of the armrest, which immediately lit up the room in an orange-yellow glow. 

"Hey, biscuit, you feeling alright? You look like you're going to vomit or something." She sat next to me and turned her body to face mine, but I kept my gaze on the tatted carpet beneath my feet, inspecting every last detail of its dark purplish tint. "Crackie?" She placed her hand on my shoulder and my first instinct was to pull her in for a hug, but I didn't realise I started sobbing the moment my face buried into her shoulder. She tried to coo me, but I couldn't hear her, just muffled sounds. I gasped and she forcefully pulled my face away, her hands cupping my jaw and her thumbs wiping away my tears; I couldn't stop the hitching in my lungs, and my vision was blurred, it was like I was drowning. "Cracker! Shh, calm down!" She shook me slightly and I whined.

"I-I'm so w-worried about Aquaria!" I grasped her wrists and she nodded slowly.

"I know, but please listen to me-" She wiped my eyes again, her thumbs were probably soaked in my tears, but I knew she didn't care. "She's okay, I promise she's gonna be okay. Please trust me," Her voice almost broke, but I finally calmed down, trying to force my mind into that happy corner.

✩☠ Neurological Static | Miz Cracker X Aquaria | AU ☠✩Where stories live. Discover now