Not So Melancholy/Closed Book

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Cracker closed the last of her four diaries and smiled happily, biting her tongue. She looked down at Cookie's smiling and intrigued face.

"And that's what happened, it was an adventure but we made it, together, all of us." Miz pet Cookie's soft cheek and she giggled.

"Is there any more stories mommy?" She crawled onto her mother's lap and Cracker chuckled.

"I'm sorry, but that's all. Once you were born we only took pictures! My diary was officially over!" She scooted back on her bed and Cookie made a sound of disappointment.

"Where are grandmas?"

"They're just getting changed," Miz brushed some blonde locks from her girl's small face. 

"I'm scared the woman will come." Cookie lost her happy tone and she hugged her mother tightly, closing her eyes.

"She won't come back, she stopped after you were born, your other mother stopped having bad dreams and it was all good dreams after that!" Miz's words were blunt but soothing, it lowered the little girl's nerves.

"Okay," She peeped. The footsteps of Aquaria emerged from the doorway; she dressed sensibly ever since Cookie came into her life, she wore a pink shirt with averagely sized shorts. Her black tinted long hair fell past her lower back; it was longer than it has ever been. 

"Hi Cookies!" Aquaria grinned a white beaming smile, walking up to them both and standing at the side. Cookie smiled.

"Hi mom," 

Aquaria leaned down and kissed her daughter's cheek.

"Miz, are you reading her your boring stories again?" She joked and Cracker rolled her eyes, laughing. Cookie giggled and kicked her legs.

"They aren't boring! Cookie loves them!" 

"Mom they can be a little boring-" Cookie said timidly, her smile never being erased from her jolly cheeks.

"What? But they are stories about me and your mother!" Cracker hid her smile and stared at the diaries in disbelief.

"We're joking, Miz," Aquaria sat down and planted a kiss on Cracker's lips. "Shall we take her out? She's obsessed with the park." 

"The park! Oh, I wanna go to the park!" Cookie bounced on Miz and giggled with pure excitement.

"Okay!" Cracker held her hips and calmed her movements; she groaned and huffed. "Careful! That hurts when you jump like that-"

"Mommy please can we get ice cream too!" She leaned over her and pouted.

"Yes, you can." Miz looked up at Aquaria who was smiling like an idiot. "Off you get," Miz urged her off and she did so, bouncing her way onto the other side of the bed. Cracker sat up slowly and groaned louder.

"Are you alright?" Aquaria raised an eyebrow and held her wrist.

"Yeah it's just my back," Miz laughed.

"Okay. Come on Cookie! Let's go pick out some clothes for you!" Aquaria slid a hand under her daughter's body and picked her up, earning giggles and happy sounds from her. They both left and Miz was sat smiling to herself, her memories flooding through the gates of her mind, making her remember everything that happened in her life in only minutes. She regretted nothing.

Thank you all so much for reading and being on this journey with me <3 this book means so much and sadly it is over. But there are more stories to come! I hope you enjoyed it.🎀🎀🎀🎀💕💕💕💎💎🌹🌹✡✡✡

✩☠ Neurological Static | Miz Cracker X Aquaria | AU ☠✩Where stories live. Discover now