Hold Me

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My prayers were answered and I finally woke up, of course, in Cracker's shaking gentle arms and the sight of her quivering lip and bright blue oceans staring down at me. I gasped and burst into a breakdown, my hands grasping at her back and sobbing into her shoulder.

"You're okay!!" I cried and felt her hands vigorously pet my hair, and her lips dart over my head, kissing anywhere they could. Her breath was shaken and so was mine.

"Of course baby, of course! Shh calm down-" Her pretty delicate hands soothed up my back and head, making my heart steady.

"I saw you--you were hurt! You were beaten! Oh god!" I whined another cry and she cooed me. My hands tightened.

"No, that was just a dream, I'm here, and I'm well and happy, because I have you." She chuckled brokenly and kissed my ear. I let out one last sob and my body weakened, having it completely melt into her arms.

"Dont leave me," I whispered and she hushed me.

"Never baby, never, I'd never leave you." She pulled away just so she could kiss my lips, but I was too weak, I couldn't kiss back but I loved every moment of her pink plump lips connecting with mine.

"I don't want another nightmare!" I whined and gasped, my lungs twitching and making my sobs hitch.

"Shh, stop talking, just rest." She pulled me onto her slowly and we lied down, my whole body shaking over her's. I struggled to breathe, but there was one thing that could soothe me.

"C-can you sing that song? The one that you said your mother sings to you?" I sniffled into her neck, smiling at how it wasn't cut open by a sharp nail, by my evil mother, it was smooth and soft and how it should be. I felt Cracker pet my hair and she lifted her knees, wrapping her legs around me.

"Of course, my princess," she pressed her soft nose right above my ear and moved my hair to the side, making me already close my eyes. Her harmonic gentle voice spoke words so quietly to me, it send chills through me and this feeling of warmth that cascaded down my spine. I listened and a sense of safety was what I gathered from her lyrics, and the most beautiful part was how she didn't even know what the song was or if it's real, and I slowly fell in love more, which didn't seem possible because of how much I already love her. I slowly opened my eyes but my whole body tensed, and my vision blurred the soft blues and pinks of her room. Tears fell down my cheeks and I sobbed silently. Suddenly her hand cupped the right side of my face and caressed it soothingly, still humming and singing.

"God-" I choked and whimpered, her hand running over my nose and wiping my eyes with only her sense of touch. "That song!" I gasped and kissed her palm once it brushed over my lips, only to sob more.

"My song is over, princess, do not cry it's not meant to be sad." She kissed my cheek and nuzzled my face. "Don't cry," she whispered and finally wiped my tears with her thumbs.

"You have such a pretty voice," I squeaked out; my throat was too sore to even say anything, but I'll say everything just for her.

"My baby, I don't need my voice, you're just like a song to me, everything you do I adore."

"What type of song am I?"

"Sometimes a gentle blues, sometimes when you're cheeky you can be pop." She giggled and I did too.

"You're--" I swallowed and thought hard. "You're-"

"Jewish music?" She mumbled into my cheek and I laughed.

"Yes! A-and maybe even rock!" I bit my lip and pulled her hand to my face, kissing it as an alternative to her lips.

"You delicate thing," she pulled her face away and the patch on my cheek grew cold.

"No you," I giggled and straddled her and our naked pelvises pressed into each other , seeing her eyes change completely. "Are you actually Jewish?"

"Yes! My mother isn't though and I'm not completely deep in the religion yet." She smiled and caressed my abdomen. I nodded and almost grew aroused at the touches of her fingers. "Shall we go to sleep now, princess?" She blinked and her glitter eyes met mine.

"I-" I swallowed and shook my head. "I can't,".

"No-no-" she sat up and pulled my back close, pressing my chest close to hers. "Listen-" she cupped my cheeks, forcing my head not to look down- "I promise you won't have any nightmares. That monster won't dare attack you, because I promise I'll save you." I nestled my nose into her neck and I felt our hearts connect as one. It felt as if our blood was being shared and we couldn't tear apart even if we wanted to, and nothing could break us; whatever I dreamed she dreamed, and whatever she dreamed I dreamed. Her hands were toying with my hair now, and she turned me around so suddenly, tearing my mouth from her warm tasty neck and my body being pinned down with brutal force. "I feel so connected to you, I want to keep you safe," she huffed out and connected our lips, we kissed lovingly, our mouths dancing in a fast rhythm. I forgot how we only wore our nightshirts, and our legs locked with each other suddenly, pressing our naked crotches into each other which made me gasp. "Don't get aroused, we have to sleep," she lied down next to me and I nodded. I pulled the cold sheets over us and she smiled at my arms wrapping around her fragile form.

"Here," I swallowed and lifted up my top, pressing my bare stomach into hers. However the fabric of her shirt acted as a barrier. She nodded and smiled, and I felt her do it too, my stomach burned and I exhaled deeply. "I can feel everything inside you working-" I blurted out, closing my eyes.

"What do you mean?" She asked in a slightly worried tone. I shot my eyes open and panicked.

"I didn't mean to say that, I'm sorry-"

"Don't ever apologise to me, princess." She winked and my lips formed a smile. "Go to sleep, I'll always be here throughout the night, holding you." She kissed my lips and we finally rested. I closed my eyes and I assumed she did too.

✩☠ Neurological Static | Miz Cracker X Aquaria | AU ☠✩Where stories live. Discover now