Chapter 3:

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After the exam Izuku went home and when he walked in he could be feel his negative energy emitting off of himself. His mother had left a note saying that she would be out for a few days and that food was prepared for him in the fridge. He went into the living room and moved the furniture out of the way as he prepares to practice his quirk He tries to activate it but he begins feeling extremely tired as his quirk seems to just create a small bit of energy that quickly dissipates. 

Izuku collapses in his living room as his quirk drained him too much. Izuku lays there and tries to keep conscious not wanting to dream anymore but can't manage to do it. 

Izuku found himself back in the U.A exam except he felt different almost as if he had plans. He hears the signal that begun the exam last time go off. He rushes towards a small robot and summons his scythe but as soon as he does he notices something different in him. He feels energy being drained from the plants nearby and then when he finishes the robot off he deconstructs the scythe and suddenly a small shockwave sent him about 6 feet into the air. "What the fuck was that?" Izuku tensed up due to shock and when he released his tension he felt the shockwaves power again. 

"I guess I have different powers here too." Izuku did some quick experimenting with clenching and releasing with differing intensities. He noticed the stronger he tensed the more powerful the shockwaves. H ecalculate he had roughly 80 points from messing around by now. Then the familiar rumble of the 0 pointer arrived. Izuku smiled before turning towards the running students and ran towards where the 0 pointer would be.

He saw Uraraka under rubble this time she was unconscious. "Shit!" Izuku sighs before clearing the rubble by using shockwaves, he wasn't very precise but it was working. Right before the 0 pointer would of crushed them Izuku got them away, but Izuku let Uraraka down in a safe place before going back to the 0 pointer. 

Izuku clenched his whole body before releasing it in his legs to fly towards the 0 pointer but he hadn't used enough tension and ended up about halfway up and decided that'd have to be enough. He released the tension in his body and it pushed the 0 pointer back a little but didn't stop its advance. Izuku got discouraged before thinking about how in the real world he had seemingly failed the exam but only in his dreams would he actually pass, it pissed him off. 

The boy in his anger had tensed up and as the robot was about to step on him he released and suddenly there was a crater and the 0 pointer was nothing but scrap. Izuku fell to his face hitting the ground with a sickening thud. 

He awoke in his living room but something was off he felt a massive amount of pain in his body, he tried to move but couldn't he began panicking before slowly regaining slight movement. He managed to spend the next few hours crawling 5 feet to a phone to call 911. He finished the call and passed out on his floor. 

He awoke several days later in the hospital, he noticed his mother was there waiting for his eventual reawakening. "Mom? Why am I in the hospital?" His mother grinned seeing her baby finally awake. "Izuku you called 911 and they found you passed out in the living room. They did some tests and found out almost every muscle in your body had torn apart due to extreme stress. They are guessing your quirk may have manifested and caused it but they wanted to see if you remember anything." 

Izuku looked down at his body almost fully wrapped in bandages and casts. "I remember having a dream before I called 911. In it I had some quirk that activated when i tensed my body up, when I released the tension it would create shockwaves and in the dream I used it to destroy a giant robot to save someone and then..." Izuku looked at his mom. "In the dreams I felt a massive amoutn of pain that made me pass out in the dream but awoke in the normal world where I could no longer move." Inko looked shocked. "But it was just a dream honey how would that have hurt you?" A doctor walked in before Izuku could say anything else, INko told the doctor what he had just told her. 

The doctor looked at the boy. "Is this the first time something like this has happened? If so it might help us determine what happened." Izuku looked at his covered hands. "Well I did have a dream a little while ago where I had this quirk that allowed me to manifest a scythe that went through things but seemingly didn't do any physical damage. Shortly after that dream I turned out to actually have that quirk." The doctor looked fascinated. "Mrs. Midoriya I believe we should keep Izuku in hospital for at least 2 more days to see if the same event might happen again." 

Inko reluctantly nodded and they spent the next couple days at the hospital where Midoriya about 12 hours after discussing the events of his dreams developed his shockwave power but was still able to activate the scythe quirk. 

The doctor was surprised he thought that maybe the quirk he had allowed him to use quirks he had seen in his most recent dream but the two dreams with quirks stuck to him and showed no signs of disappearance. 

Izuku was released shortly after and began practicing his quirks to refine them and learn more about them. He knew there might be something more to them but he couldn't place them. 

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