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Dear readers, 

I know that there is probably just a small bunch of you left, but I still appreciate every one of you waiting, commenting and leaving me supportive messages. 

These few months have been quite hard, I had little time to myself, let alone to write anything. And when I did, I had a huge writer's block. I couldn't write anything, and I wasn't happy with the story. 

I've began thinking that maybe I should end it, let it be and live my life. But something about this idea didn't feel right. 

I kept putting off updating, not only because things in my life got really hectic with school, exams, work and my internship, but I also felt burned out. 

But let's be real here - these are all excuses. And then your comments kept pouring, even though I made empty promises, you all stayed and waited, and kept showing me that you're here. And i thought that it's not only about me. 

I began writing GRAVITY because of my huge love for skam and for Chris and Eva together, and obviously out of anger of how they left their story in season 4. And I noticed that I wasn't the only one. 

There's so many of you, that keep wanting to get the happy ending that Mohnstad deserved. That's why I decided to challenge myself as a writer and as a person to keep this story alive, at least for now. 

Your long awaited update is coming the next weekend. This time for real. I could update even now, but honestly I'm not quite happy with it yet, and I want to make it as perfect as I can. 

In addition, I am working on establishing an update schedule. At first I will try to update once or twice a week or every two weeks. I will have to see where my creativity brings me. 

So thank you so much, SO SO SO much. You have no idea how much your kind words mean to me, that you even stuck by me and this story when I continuously let you down. 

I will try to get better as a writer and a person so thank you! And hopefully, see you next weekend.

With love, Caroline 

Gravity [EVA x CHRIS] SKAMWhere stories live. Discover now