15: Gone Wrong Pt. II

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Mandag, 8:36

Last weekend definitely did not go as she expected.

Well, it was safe to say that it actually exceeded her expectations. Not just the fact that she found herself spending time with Christoffer Schistad, but that they actually had a deep, meaningful conversation, which up until that point, was out of question with his person.

Eva never really talked about that kind of stuff with boys. Feelings. Let alone with one, that had a reputation of having none.

When she finally left his house, redhead couldn't stop thinking about his words. On my own terms.

And now, she was sitting on a bench, with her headphones in, munching on her lunch. The girls were nowhere to be found, and frankly, she didn't really feel like facing them today, because probably all they would talk about is that party from friday.

Eva looked up and watched as people gathered in groups, laughed and talked loudly, waiting for the break to end.

In the distance she could see Jonas, standing with the boys, and as their eyes met, she just sent him a small smile, to which he simply waved back.

Thankfully, he didn't approach her.

She was having one of those weird days when she just wanted to be left alone. Because Eva Mohn was a little bit an introvert. Of course, excluding those days when she'd be the life of the party, getting it on on the dancefloor with a drink in her hand.

Is there even a middle between introverts and extroverts? Because she'd definitely fit only in that category.

Just as she was thinking about it, a familiar face appeared in her view, plopping right next to her on a bench.

Sana was ridiculously beautiful that day. Instead of wearing all black, she chose brighter tones, as if they switched moods. Instead, she was wearing beige hijab, that made her eyes pop. Her clothes were weirdly fair as well.

Even her lips were missing the dark tone that they were usually in.

Weirdly, Eva could feel her friends' radiating aura, that was sending positive vibes probably all across the school yard. What the hell was going on with her?

As much as she hated having company in that moment, she also knew that Sana Bakkoush was the one she could pour her frustration and anger out to.

But would it be fair to ruin her good mood?

That question was sitting at the back of her head, but as soon as the girl spoke, Eva was overwhelmed with emotion and urge to spill everything out.

"Halla, how was your weekend?" Sana asked, sending her one of her brightest smiles.

All she did in return was shake her head, burying her face in her palms, as she took out the headphones out of her ears.

"Don't even get me started." Redhead groaned, causing Bakkoush to snort a little bit.

"That bad, huh?"

Eva took a deep breath. "Let's just say, I ended up at a weird place having even weirder conversation that ended almost in a fight."

Sana almost dropped the can of soda she was holding, at the news she heard from her friend, sending her a worried look. "Like physical?!"

She immediately shot her head high, shaking it vigorously.

"I wish, I think it would've hurt less."

And once again, she sighed at the thought of that whole conversation and the weird direction it took in a matter of few minutes. Seeing how intently the girl next to her was watching her, waiting for more details, she wanted to speak up, but Sana was so impatient that she nudged her hard in the ribs.

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