12: Attached

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 "  Now, it's like we're scared of getting good

'Cause we know the truth is that we could

Yeah, we know that we might actually work

And the truth is that we could  "


It was safe to say that it wasn't exactly how she imagined herself ending that night.

What was supposed to be just an innocent, fun night with her friends, quickly turned into something completely different.

And that difference was in her company. Plus the word 'innocent' should have been immediately switched.

Did she feel guilty about his hands roaming all around her body, his lips not leaving hers, unless they would go to her neck? Yes, no, maybe.

Eva wouldn't say that she felt guilty particularly about this, but the fact that they were in a taxi cab, and the driver would look at them with disgust from time to time in his tiny rear view mirror.

She actually tried to stop Chris from doing anything until they got to his place, but he couldn't keep his hands to himself. Quite literally.

After he per say attacked her, she just gave in. At least just for that one night.

It wouldn't mean anything. The girls were right, she didn't hook up with anybody since few months, and she actually started to feel a little bit weird about it. Why? Well, for starters, she used to do it all the time. And it was fun, freeing.

And lately she just wasn't herself. Eva thought that maybe she matured or grew up, but then she realized that she just hadn't found anybody attractive.

Sure, she could just go ahead and make out with some random person, but since she stopped drinking so much, she actually paid attention to those things. Thankfully.

And then everytime she saw him, Christoffer Schistad, nobody seemed to compare to him.

All the guys at the club would seem too normal, too boring.

Maybe that's why Chris was always surrounded by girls? It wasn't even the fact that he was ridiculously handsome, but the way he carried himself.

With confidence, like he had endless sex appeal, and knew what he wanted. She heard from many girls that's exactly what they liked in guys.

And even though Eva wasn't attracted to him as much as others, she did find herself being caught by his charm many times.

But at the same time, she knew him a lot better than those girls who think he's perfect, even when he'd throw them to the side after he was bored with them and they would still worship him.

When she'd think back about that night where it all went down, a year ago, Eva thought she saw a different side of him.

The way he was acting, how he spoke with her, how he tried to calm her down and cheer her up, she always thought it was the real Chris, the one who'd rarely see the daylight, who was being held hostage inside by Chris Penetrator.

And she'd always wonder if any of those girls saw that glimpse sometimes. Did Iben?

Everybody around them, at school, even in Oslo, thought they knew everything about him.

But at the same time, they knew nothing.

So maybe that's how she'd win this battle. By using his own insecurities, by bringing out his real self, by getting to know Christoffer.

Gravity [EVA x CHRIS] SKAMWhere stories live. Discover now