1: Fuqboi

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There's this guy at my school
And he looks pretty good
Always asking me when
We can kick it

Well my friends think I'm wrong
But he's not what I want
Cause he's constantly
Begging for pictures  

I know he's tall and he's fit
But I won't fall for it
Don't want his hands
Or his lips coming near me

Hartvig Nissen, Fredag 11:27 AM

Second period was nearing it's end. Just a few hours and tired teenagers would have their longed-for weekend. 

For many it meant endless parties with tons of alcohol and casual hook-ups now and then. Usually that's how Eva Mohn, a second year student at Hartvig Nissen, would spend her few days off too, but this time as the exams were right at the corner, she wanted to stay at home and study a bit. 

Since her last year was kind of hectic her grades suffered, what didn't make her strict mother too happy. 

You could say that Eva was a typical teenager, but those who knew her also knew that there was a lot more beneath the facade of normalcy. 

It is said that gingers make up only 1% to 2% of world's population. That's why she was very proud of her strawberry colored hair that went up to her arms. 

She cut it during the summer, right after her break-up with her longtime boyfriend, Jonas. It was king of a sign of letting go. New hair sort of meant new time in her life. 

Yeah, she could definitely say that her life changed a lot. Not mentioning being single, but she also gained tons of new friends. By tons it meant exactly four. 

Now the four girls took up most of her free time, not that she was complaining. She still had time for partying and boys, so it was a perfect deal for her. 

Unfortunately, she had to say goodbye to her best friend out of the group, Noora. The girl left with her boyfriend, William, for London. 

It was hard getting used to school without her, but if that was what she wanted and was happy, she would support her all the way. 

Eva wasn't the only one left behind. This is where the story introduces a certain boy, a fuqboi to be exact. The best friend of her best friends boyfriend. 

Christoffer Schistad. 

He was the iceberg to her Titanic. The reason her and Jonas broke up. But that's besides the point, everybody knew what happened. Literally, everyone. 

Even few of her teachers gave her dirty looks after finding out about the events of the ill-fated night. She eventually got over it and learned not to care about it. 

She also remembered the moment her friends found out about everything. Their reaction wasn't anything like she would have thought, except for Vilde maybe. 

The blonde girl who was known for overreacting gave her a long lecture basically accusing her of being a slut. 

Those were also the words she used. And in some ways she agreed with her. Eva usually condemned girls who hooked up at every party or kissed somebody's boyfriend. 

But in a matter of one year she became both of those things. 

After a while even her friends got used to it and accompanied her to some parties just to keep an eye at her when she got too drunk, what happened very often lately. 

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