18: Tell Me Now

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Onsdag, 17:29

Those words in Spanish, that were written down on the paper in front of her, were almost as stubborn as Sana.

No matter how much she tried to learn them, her mind just seemed to erase everything immediately.

Eva couldn't focus.

All she could think about was the fact that she hadn't talked to Jonas in over a week. Not only was it because she was buried in schoolwork, but also, they were avoiding each other.

Well, it was mostly him who was doing the avoiding, but if it had to be like that so things went back to normal later, then she'd give him the time and space he needed.

He was in fact one of the most important people in her life. And she wouldn't do anything to jeopardize that.

But at the same time, Eva didn't want to agree to get back with him, just to make him happy.

She was long after the stage of putting people before herself.

It didn't mean that she couldn't be happy with him. She was almost sure she could love him again, but it would never be the way it used to be. Because she changed.

She wasn't the same Eva. She was different.

Some people actually noticed and pointed it out. Even the girls themselves told her many times that something was different about her.

And sometimes, she would stand in front of a mirror and see those slight changes. Her face expressions, the way her hair fell on her back, how she stood and walked.

Eva Mohn grew up, matured so much over those last few months, and her growth sometimes surprised even herself.

Even the fact that back in June, all she could think about was partying, hooking up with numerous boys, basically living her best single life.

And now, she was spending her evenings trying to actually learn something useful to get those grades up.

She made a decision that she wouldn't go out during the week, and that the weekends were for that specific thing.

Eva took the thin paper in her hand, trying to read another word, when her phone buzzed informing her of an unread message.

The redhead glanced at the mobile sitting on top of the nightstand, but didn't reach for it, until it buzzed for the second time dragging her away from studying.

She reluctantly unlocked it to reveal new messages in their group chat. Their as in the girls.


Me and Chris are going bowling. Anybody else in?


Can't. Sorry, I'm out grocery shopping with Elias


How is your brother by the way??? Still single?


Yes, single and not interested


Haha, you're funny

And what is Eva doing?


She has an exam tomorrow, she said she'd be studying

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