20: Closer Pt. I

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 " And I can feel my heart skip

Everytime that I slip

I wanna run away  "

Onsdag, 22:38

As she felt him lean into the kiss, her eyes had already shot open and she was pulling away.

Eva created some distance between them, and she watched his face carefully. His eyes were still closed, hand that was cupping her face still hanging in the air. It looked like he was frozen, not being able to fully comprehend what she had just done.

And frankly, Mohn had the same problem. She couldn't understand in which moment her mind and body decided it was a good idea. But she knew that it wasn't a decision made by her head. Eva was trying to find the culprit, and it was closer than she'd think.

It decided to let her know about it's existence. Her heart was beating loud and fast, like she just jumped off of a cliff, and in a way she did. Because the fact that she kissed Christoffer Schistad meant she entered a new, dangerous territory. And worst of it all? She liked it.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't ha-" She whispered the only words she could think of, but before she was able to even finish her sentence, it was cut off.

Her mind only registered the fact that Chris forcefully crashes into her lips, with even more passion than before.

With her eyes wide open, trying to decide whether she should just go with it or pull away. And then her hand crept onto his neck, finding its way into his dirty blonde hair.

Chris pulled her closer by her waist, so that their bodies were pressed against one another.

No, no, no. It shouldn't be happening.

But it all happened so fast. It was like a bubble of tension between them was finally bursting, and with it, they both had feelings they couldn't handle.

A year of unspoken connection was finally filling its pages with words and sense.

Was it all just for tonight? And would this be never spoken of again? Eva had no idea, but as his lips moved in unison with hers, and even though she didn't have all the answers, her body reacted and that was the only answer she needed in that moment.

His hands were roaming all over her body, and every time he'd touch a fragment of a naked skin, his touch would leave a burning sensation, which sent shivers down her spine.

Eva had broken away from him, to his displeasure, just to open the front door.

She was fighting with the keys as her hands were shaking, hungry for him.

The door finally cracked open, and they locked lips again, walking backwards into the darkness that was swallowing the corridor.

It was quiet in the house, and all you could hear was their hearts beating, hands trying to bring each other closer and heavy breathing.

Chris pushed her against the wall, but because it was so dark, they weren't able to see the cupboard right next to them, and once Eva crashed against it, all the plates and cups inside of it shook.

One of the porcelain plates slipped from the stack of them, and fell right down inside the cupboard.

Both Eva and Chris pulled apart at the sudden bang, and before they could do anything, they heard some movement above them.

She cursed under her breath as she heard the door to her mother's room open, and then her mother coming down the stairs carefully.

"Eva? Is that you?" Her mother just asked loudly, before making her way down.

The redhead motioned for Chris to go to the bathroom, and stay quiet.

She could see that this whole situation was hilarious to him, as he was actually stalling and not even hurrying to hide.

"Yeah, it's me." She shouted back, and a minute or so later, the lights were finally turned on. She blinked a few times letting her eyes to adjust to the light.

Her mom was standing at the top of the stairs, hugging herself tightly in her blue robe. She was forced out of her sleep, and Eva could see that she wasn't fully aware, so that was a good thing.

"What time is it? What are you doing?" Of course a series of questions would start, as her mom would always interrogate her.

"It's nothing, I slipped and hit the cupboard."

Well, it was partially truth, so she didn't just lie to her mother. Eva glanced nervously at the bathroom door, and she could see that Chris was standing in the doorway, watching this whole situation.

Her mom watched her carefully, "Are you drunk?"

"What? No!" She quickly denied, throwing her hands in the air.

The woman just took a step down, and squinted her eyes at her daughter, "Then why are you so red?" She asked suspiciously.

Eva glanced at herself at the mirror hanging on the wall beside her. She definitely looked flushed, her hair a little bit of a mess. "Because it's cold outside. I was bowling with Chris and Vilde."

Well, obviously she was with Chris, just not the one her mom probably had in mind. Thankfully, the woman had no idea of his existence, so all she could do was hope that she'd accept her explanation and go back to sleep so that she could sneak the Penetrator out.

"Eva, we talked about this." Her mom sighed. "No going out during school days."

She rolled her eyes, her mom would give her crap about not sitting nose in the books all day, obviously. It was a battle she was having with her since the school started. Apparently her mom thought that Eva had to focus more on studies, and that being isolated for five days a week from the outside world would be the way to do that.

"Mom, I was studying whole day, I needed a break or else I'd go insane." She pleaded, sending her parent a tired look.

And when her mom took a breath she knew that this conversation was far from over, and she couldn't just stand there and argue with her when a boy she sneaked in was waiting in the bathroom just few feet over from her. "Can we just talk about this in the morning? I'm tired and so are you, please?"

"Fine, but we are not done with this, young lady. Now go to sleep, you have school in the morning."

When her mother finally made her way back upstairs, and she heard the door to her room shut, she let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding.

She was about to motion for Chris to come out, but apparently she didn't need to tell him anything. He walked out by himself, which looked like he made himself right at home.

He smiled devilishly and it looked like he wanted to laugh, but she slapped his arm to stop him. "It's not funny, you have to go before my mom sees you and I'm beheaded."

Chris snorted and moved in the direction of the front door. He didn't say anything, and was about to leave when he suddenly turned around. "You have to admit it's a little bit funny."

Eva rolled her eyes, and tried her best not to smile by biting the side of her cheek. "Go."

The boy was almost outside, and then once again he turned around, which scared her a little bit. "Wha-?" She said with a hint of irritation behind the word, but she wasn't able to finish, because he put his lips right on hers.

She was shocked at this sudden attack, but she also involuntarily leaned into the kiss. When he finally pulled away, "Goodnight."

*     *     *

Hello again! Short but sweet part of the chapter, update coming soon.

In the meantime, it'd mean the world to me if you checked out and followed my NEWEST, ORIGINAL story called "Sinners"! I put in a lot of work in the design of it, and I'm already writing my ideas! So if you like the relationship between Eva and Chris, you'll love Sinners! So please check it out!



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